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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

“Secret Effects of Eating Salmon, Says Science”


Do the benefits of this fish outweigh the potential risks?

Whether it's chopped up in a poke bowl or grilled to perfection alongside some fresh asparagus, salmon can be a delicious and healthy fish to enjoy any time of year. If you're a lover of salmon or any fish for that matter, chances are you've heard a lot of talk about possible health benefits and negative side effects. And all this talk can get confusing. We wanted to find all the possible effects of salmon, the good and the bad. 


YOU'LL GET PLENTY OF VITAMIN B12: Have you ever felt extremely tired and lethargic, only to have someone recommend a B12 supplement to you? This is because vitamin B12 is an essential nutrient in maintaining a healthy system of nerve and blood cells in our body. When we are deficient in B12, we may experience weakness, weight loss, and even depression. And according to the National Institute of Health, we need B12 to help prevent megaloblastic anemia, a blood problem that can lead to lethargy and exhaustion. Because our body can't store its own B12, we have to get this vitamin from food or supplements. The good news is that salmon is overflowing with vitamin B12. To put it in perspective, the daily recommended intake of B12 is 2.4 micrograms, and there are around 2.38 micrograms of B12 in a 3 oz. fillet.

YOU MAY CONSUME POLLUTANTS: Any time we consume fish, we run the risk of potentially ingesting pollutants from the ocean. Dioxin, a chemical pollutant caused mostly by industrial waste, is commonly found in the fat of salmon. The Environmental Protection Agency states that dioxins are considered toxic and can lead to potential health issues if consumed in larger quantities. Some research also links dioxin intake with cancer and reproductive issues, but the actual evidence of this claim is inconsistent. It may sound scary, but the risks are rare. According to Foods Journal, experts still recommend salmon as a reliable source of healthy nutrients, despite the risk of dioxin and other chemicals. BMC Public Health also performed a benefit-risk assessment on salmon in 2020. They concluded that even after the potential risks of consuming added pollutants and chemicals through salmon, the cardiovascular and overall health benefits of this fish outweigh the risk factor.

YOU MAY IMPROVE YOUR HEART HEALTH:  Omega-3 fatty acids are extremely beneficial for maintaining a healthy heart. You can find omega-3 in things like flaxseeds, chia seeds, certain nuts, and you guessed it—salmon! Salmon is one of the richest sources with around 2,260 milligrams of omega-3's per 3.5 oz. filet. According to Circulation, omega-3 fatty acids help our heart by lowering our triglyceride levels (fat that is carried in our blood) and increasing our body's "good" cholesterol levels, which decreases our risk of heart disease. 

YOU MIGHT REDUCE INFLAMMATION: Chronic inflammation in our body can lead to a number of health issues like heart disease, diabetes, and chronic pain. Thankfully, the omega-3 fatty acids found in salmon and other fatty fish have been linked to reducing inflammation. According to a report from Biochemical Society Transactions, EPA and DHA (two types of omega-3 fatty acids) can have anti-inflammatory effects in our cell membranes. Omega-3's in the form of supplements even yielded positive anti-inflammatory results in some patients with rheumatoid arthritis.


YOU MAY IMPROVE YOUR BRAIN HEALTH: Fatty fish like salmon can possibly improve our brain health and even slow cognitive decline as we age. A study of Chinese adults from the Journal of Nutrition found that the powerful nutrients in fish (including salmon) like vitamin D, vitamin B, magnesium, and selenium, can have a positive impact on cognitive function. Of the participants who were above the age of 65, those who consumed fish more than once a week saw better brain improvement than those who consumed less than one serving of fish per week.


YOU'LL CONSUME A HELPFUL ANTIOXIDANT: Salmon gets its natural pinkish/red color from a chemical compound called astaxanthin. This is a naturally occurring pigment that is also an antioxidant with tons of health benefits. According to a review published in Marine Drugs, astaxanthin has been linked to having anti-inflammatory properties, as well as positive impacts on reducing the risk of certain cancers and diabetes. In particular, wild-caught salmon is known for having a high amount of astaxanthin. A 2005 study from the Asian Journal of Andrology even found positive results on male fertility and sperm velocity after being given a trial of astaxanthin. 

BY: samantha boesch, eat this, not that, AUGUST 26, 2021 

Much Love, Dr.Shermaine, #InformativeRead #PleaseShare #HealthyBodySoulAndSpirit #IWantYou2LiveWell #FeelFree2SignUpAndFollow

The Goal is to Always Make You Aware of What Concerns Your Body, Soul and Spirit, So You Can Have Open, Honest and Frequent Discussions With Your Physicians and Counselors. You Can’t Treat or Cure What You Don’t Know is Sick.
"It's Not Selfish to Love Yourself, Take Care of Yourself and to Make Your Happiness a Priority. It's a Necessity." (Mandy Hale)

"Self-Care is Not Selfish. You Cannot Serve From an Empty Vessel." (Eleanor Brown)

The contents of the WebMD and Self-Care With Dr. Shermaine Sites, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on the WebMD and Self-Care With Dr. Shermaine Sites ("Content") are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the WebMD and Self-Care With Dr. Shermaine Sites!

If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. WebMD and Self-Care With Dr. Shermaine does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the Sites. Reliance on any information provided by WebMD, WebMD employees, others appearing on the Site at the invitation of WebMD, and Self-Care With Dr. Shermaine or other visitors to the Sites is solely at your own risk.  

Monday, August 30, 2021

“How to Lose Weight, Without Counting Calories”


TRUE STORY: You don't need to count calories in order to lose weight. Yes, of course, calories matter when it comes to weight loss—burn more than you consume each day, and you'll blast away your stomach fat—but that doesn't mean you have to log them religiously to ensure you're eating less. (Not to mention, if you're familiar with counting calories, you know it makes eating feel as fun as math class.) So instead of pulling out your logbook and pens, follow these tips and you'll naturally begin to drop weight while healing your body and satisfying hunger pangs, ensuring your belly doesn't constantly ring the alarm that's it's hungry.


HAVE A PLAN: Without a plan, you're at risk of making poor diet decisions (like ordering take-out after a long day at work). Plus, figuring out what you want to make for dinner is a surefire way to drain willpower and make you want to reach for a cookie once dinner is finished. Planning your meals is one of the easiest ways to help you cut unnecessary calories and regain control of your food intake.


COOK YOUR OWN MEALS AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN: Frequently preparing your own food means you put the calorie-cutting power in your own hands—not in the hands of the restaurateurs who have no stake in your weight-loss journey. On average, frequent home cooks consume 137 fewer calories and 16 fewer grams of sugar every day compared to those who regularly eat at restaurants!

LIMIT ADDED SUGAR: One of the simplest ways to cut calories is by limiting products with absurd amounts of added sugar. These simple carbs are nearly void of nutrients (making them the definition of "empty calories"), can cause you to always be hungry (which means you're likely to overeat), and can mess up your insulin response, leading to type II diabetes, insulin resistance, and obesity. Replace cookies with fresh fruit, try taking your coffee black, and swap out your soda with any one of these healthy soda alternatives.

START THE DAY WITH 2: Glasses of water that is. "Every process in your body takes place in water—from helping to flush waste from your colon to the efficient functioning of your metabolism," explain The Nutrition Twins, Lyssie Lakatos, RDN, CDN, CFT and Tammy Lakatos Shames, RDN, CDN, CFT. "Also, inadequate water intake quickly leads to dehydration, and even being slightly dehydrated immediately impacts energy levels." So, jumpstart your metabolism and boost your energy by downing a solid 16 ounces in the a.m. Ensuring your body is functioning at its best will make it easier to keep active without feeling groggy, and in turn, allow you to burn more calories.

NOURISH YOUR METABOLISM: When you try to lose a significant amount of weight by cutting too many calories at once, you put your metabolism at risk. And that's exactly what happened to thirteen of the fourteen contestants back from The Biggest Loser Season 8, who if you remember, all gained back weight after the finale. When researchers probed into the why, they found their metabolisms had decreased significantly—so they were burning fewer calories than the average person at their weight—and their levels of the "I'm hungry" hormone, leptin, were higher than normal. Through a mechanism known as "metabolic adaptation," your body will actually slow down during a severe calorie deficit because it thinks you're in survival mode. If you're starving yourself, you make it harder for your body to sustain long-term weight loss. Instead, switch your diet to healthier foods and follow the rest of the tips below.

EAT SLOWLY AND WITHOUT DISTRACTIONS: The simple solution to keep from overeating during a meal? Eat with intention! When we eat, your stomach's stretch receptors signal your brain that you're full when there's enough food in it. But there are two key factors to allow that to work: (1) spending time eating—it takes around 20 minutes for the "I'm full" signal to reach your brain—and (2) minimizing distractions—if your brain is busy doing something else, it can be distracted from receiving your satiety signals.


FEEL FREE TO SNACK: Contrary to what you may have heard, munching on the right snacks throughout the day is one of the best ways to shrink your waistline. In fact, researchers found that participants lost significantly more body weight when they incorporated low-sugar, high-protein snacks into their daily food routine, according to a recent study. So how do these mini-meals contribute to your slim-down? Fitting in healthy, high protein snacks helps to maintain blood sugar levels—which keeps your brain from triggering hunger pangs—and prevents your body from indulging in high-energy foods after what feels like a long day of starvation.


LISTEN TO YOUR BODY: Do you always feel bloated after eating grains? Are you a dairy-lover but constantly feel congested? Many of us try to work through these problems, brushing them off our shoulders like they're not an issue. But in reality, they might be signs of a food intolerance or allergy, which could be contributing to extra inflammation, a weakened immune system, and weight gain. Learn to listen to what your body tells you by keeping note of any discomforts in a food journal.


KNOW THAT FATS AREN'T THE ENEMY: One of the nutrients that used to get a bad rap, the right kinds of healthy fats—like fish, nuts, avocados, and olive oil—can fill you up, ensure your body can absorb essential, fat-soluble vitamins, and may actually help you burn fat by increasing levels of fat-burning, metabolism-boosting hormones like adiponectin.


MAKE YOUR MEALS 'GRAM-WORTHY’: Spending the time to make your plate of food look gorgeous will pay off in the long run—and we're not just talking about the fact that you'll rack up extra likes on Instagram. This tactic can help encourage you to load your plate up with more colorful, fresh veggies, and can even make your food taste better! A study published in the journal Health Psychology found that when participants spend time preparing the food they make—which you'll end up doing to make sure you have a picture-perfect dish—they actually found the food to be significantly more satisfying than those who had the food prepared for them, even if the food was "healthy."


FILL UP WITH FIBER: Adequate fiber intake is essential to a balanced diet because this macronutrient helps keep you fuller longer, cleans out your bowels, and certain kinds of soluble fiber—namely prebiotics—even feed the helpful bacteria that live in your gut. When your gut bugs munch on these prebiotics, they ferment them into anti-inflammatory fatty acids which have been known to switch off your fat genes so you can lose weight without counting calories. Plus, providing your belly biome with fuel will help mend an off-kilter gut which has been damaged by a high-saturated-fat, high-sugar diet.


INCORPORATE MORE PROTEIN: Rather than racking up calories, just try to eat more protein during every meal—and yes, that includes in those carb-laden bowls of pasta as well. This slow-digesting macronutrient helps decrease appetite, squashes cravings, and boosts your metabolism by directly nourishing your calorie-burning muscles. Love smoothies? There are plenty of protein powders out there that will totally step up your blender game.

TAKE A DEEP BREATH: And just relax. When you're constantly stressed out, your body secretes a stress hormone known as cortisol. And that's bad news for your belly. Because cortisol is evolutionarily linked to alerting your body to external dangers (like that bear running towards you) and low blood-glucose levels, it forces your body to store fat and revs up your hunger, meaning you'll start craving that donut even if your stomach is actually full.


MAKE HEALTHY EATING A HABIT: If you've ever counted calories before, you know that it can suck the pleasure right out of eating—making it feel more like a second job and only increasing your risk of suffering from food guilt. Don't let your life revolve around your diet. Instead, sculpt your diet around a healthy life. Trust us, once you start, you'll learn to enjoy the bike rides, getting enough sleep, and cooking at home. Soon, maintaining a healthy diet will just become part of your new lifestyle.


GO MEATLESS ONCE A WEEK: Reap the benefits of vegan foods without completely eschewing meat! Study after study has shown that those who eat the least amount of meat are less likely to be obese, have lower BMIs, and the least body fat levels. It's not that meat is the enemy, it's just that these high-protein foods tend to fill you up before you can fork your way over to the veggies, which are known to possess fat-fighting, waist-trimming powers.


KEEP HAPPY HOURS TO A MINIMUM: While fermented drinks like wine and beer are ok to have in moderation, drinking in excess can put you at risk for liver disease, diabetes, and even certain cancers. And slogging back drinks just ends up amounting to extra calories. In fact, increasing alcohol consumption during vacation is one of the reasons you can gain an extra pound on your week off!


FALL IN LOVE WITH FERMENTED FOODS: Speaking of fermented foods, you should eat more of them! If you're unfamiliar, fermented foods—like sauerkraut, yogurt, kimchi, sourdough bread, and even beer and wine—are full of beneficial bacteria known as probiotics. When ingested, these probiotics are speculated to be able to keep your gut microbiome (the population of over 100 trillion bacteria living in your belly) balanced. When your bug community is off kilter, studies have found symptoms such as weight gain, depression, an increase in hunger hormones, and more cravings for fatty and sugary foods, which feed the harmful bugs—and pack on pounds to your frame.


FOLLOW THE 80-20 RULE: Because creating healthy habits takes time, be sure to leave room for error during your weight-loss journey. The idea is simple: just eat healthfully 80 percent of the time and leave 20 percent of the time to splurge. That way, you won't feel guilty and stressed if you happen to nab a slice of pizza at your cousin's backyard party. Just try to keep the bar high on your indulgences. For example, make your own homemade desserts using quality ingredients instead of buying those packaged, processed cakes.


GIVE UP ULTRA-PROCESSED JUNK: Sure, packaged junk can be convenient, but so can fruit and veggies when you buy them for yourself! Ultra-processed foods—which are made up of substances not generally used in cooking like flavors, colors, emulsifiers, and other additives—like bread, soda, cookies, and frozen meals, make up a staggering 90 percent of the added sugar the average American consumes. Replacing junk with real food will up your satiety and help you rid your body of inflammation-inducing artificial ingredients.


AVOID DRINKING YOUR CALORIES: And that's not just limited to soda. We're also talking about milkshakes, franken-coffees, and bottled teas. That's because the calories from sugary beverages aren't accompanied by other nutrients, and often just leave you feeling hungry. It's far more satisfying to eat food—and it's healthier, too. In fact, it's even backed by science! Energy obtained from drinking fluids has been shown to be less satisfying than calories from solid foods, which causes us to drink more (and a greater number of calories) before we feel satisfied, according to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.


GET YOUR HEART PUMPING EVERY DAY: We know life sometimes get in the way—whether it's work, travel, or extracurriculars with the kids—and it cuts into your exercise routine. But it's not the end of the world. Just as long as you get your heart rate up and your blood pumping either by walking through the hallway or taking the stairs instead of an elevator, you'll keep your health and body in shape. Plus, a study published in BMJ found that walking one minute twice an hour could minimize spikes in blood sugar and lower post-meal insulin levels in overweight participants. And that can directly correlate to fewer calories stored as fat in the long run. You don't have to adhere to your regimen religiously—only realistically.


ALLOW FOR ANTIOXIDANTS: Almost all veggies contain a group of compounds known as antioxidants, but some of the best sources are blueberries, green tea, and apples. The specific compounds vary among fruits and veggies, but they all tend to have one thing in common: they mop up inflammatory, DNA-damaging free radicals which contribute to maladies that range from weight gain to Alzheimer's and cancer. In fact, a recent review that examined over 1.5 million people in the Journal of the American Osteopathic Association made a connection with an increased risk of all-cause mortality and meat consumption. Experts speculate the reasoning behind the correlation is that people who eat a lot of red meat also tend to eat fewer plant-based foods, so they consume fewer of their protective antioxidants and nutrients.


MAKE YOUR OWN SALAD DRESSINGS: Not only because many salad dressings have more sugar than chocolate syrup, but because making your own salad dressings means you can use the healthiest ingredients. Rather than the inflammatory soybean oils used in the bottled stuff, grab a bottle of extra virgin olive oil, whose phenols have been known to help lower blood pressure. Combine with some apple cider vinegar—a detoxifying liquid that promotes better digestion and prolongs feelings of fullness—some dijon mustard, salt and pepper, and you're ready to go!


MAINTAIN AN EXERCISE REGIMEN: Don't get us wrong maintaining a healthy, balanced diet is an important aspect of any weight maintenance plan. But sticking to an exercise program may be key to keeping the pounds off long-term, according to University of Alabama researchers. Researchers noticed that participants who stopped breaking a sweat after losing weight experienced a dip in their metabolism while those who continued to work out for just forty minutes three times a week continued to fry calories at the same rate and maintained weight loss. So be sure to add some cardio and resistance training into your routine. The cardio will help you burn off the occasional beer or cheat meal and the resistance training will help stimulate muscle growth. Because muscle burns more calories than fat at rest, your bulging biceps will help you get and keep you trim.


BUY SMALLER PLATES: Weighing slices of chicken and spooning out exact tablespoons of rice isn't just demanding; it makes eating feel more like a job than a need to fuel your body. Instead, easily reduce portion sizes by investing in a new set of smaller plates. When your meal fills up your entire plate, it can trick your brain into thinking it's consuming more calories than it would if the same amount of food sat diminutively on a larger vessel.


CARRY A REUSABLE WATER BOTTLE: Not only does water help fill you up but keeping yourself hydrated can help ward off misunderstood hunger pangs. That's why we recommend carrying a water bottle around with you everywhere—just make sure it isn't the plastic variety. Plastic bottles are made with Bisphenol A (BPA) a hormone-mimicking chemical which can negatively impact fertility in both men and women and has also been linked to obesity: A study published by Harvard researchers found that adults with the highest concentration of BPA in their urine had significantly larger waists and odds of being obese than those in the lowest quartile.

STEEP A CUP: Steeping a cup of green tea can help you slim down—stat. This brew is full of belly-fat-fighting catechins, a type of antioxidant which blasts adipose tissue by revving up your metabolism while increasing the release of stored fat from fat cells. In fact, a recent study found that participants who combined a daily habit of four cups of green tea with a 25-minute sweat session lost two more pounds than exercisers who didn't drink the belly-melting elixir. Impressive! Plus, if you swap out your sugary cuppa joe for tea, you'll save yourself extra calories on top of the ones burned by your boosted metabolism.

HIDE YOUR VICES: Planning on curbing your junk food consumption? Start by getting your dietary kryptonite out of the kitchen. When you keep your vices visible on kitchen counters or in prime storage space, you set yourself up for failure. Instead, hide your stash in opaque containers or in the back of your cabinet behind healthier snacks. That way, you'll be reminded of your body goals every time you attempt to give in to a craving.

CATCH SOME ZZZs: Did you know that feeling full doesn't only depend on how much food you eat? It can also depend on how much sleep you get. When you don't get enough quality shut-eye, your body increases levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin and decreases the satiety hormone leptin—resulting in unignorable hunger pangs. As a result, your sleep-deprived self may continue to crave foods and end up eating more calories even when you aren't physically hungry.

DON'T MAKE FOOD A REWARD: While you should definitely be proud of yourself for achieving weight-loss milestones, that doesn't mean your reward should include large portions of your favorite, fatty and sugary treats—that's just a recipe for gaining back any weight you just lost. Instead, make an effort to reward yourself in non-food ways, like getting a manicure, splurging on a fitness class, or going to see a movie in the theater. When you begin to remove the tie between emotions and food, you'll start to see a change in your lifestyle, and it'll be easier to eat healthily moving forward.

BY: olivia tarantino, eat this, not that, OCTOBER 2, 2020

Much Love, Dr.Shermaine, #InformativeRead #PleaseShare #HealthyBodySoulAndSpirit #IWantYou2LiveWell #FeelFree2SignUpAndFollow

The Goal is to Always Make You Aware of What Concerns Your Body, Soul and Spirit, So You Can Have Open, Honest and Frequent Discussions With Your Physicians and Counselors. You Can’t Treat or Cure What You Don’t Know is Sick.
"It's Not Selfish to Love Yourself, Take Care of Yourself and to Make Your Happiness a Priority. It's a Necessity." (Mandy Hale)

"Self-Care is Not Selfish. You Cannot Serve From an Empty Vessel." (Eleanor Brown)

The contents of the WebMD and Self-Care With Dr. Shermaine Sites, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on the WebMD and Self-Care With Dr. Shermaine Sites ("Content") are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the WebMD and Self-Care With Dr. Shermaine Sites!

If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. WebMD and Self-Care With Dr. Shermaine does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the Sites. Reliance on any information provided by WebMD, WebMD employees, others appearing on the Site at the invitation of WebMD, and Self-Care With Dr. Shermaine or other visitors to the Sites is solely at your own risk.  

Thursday, August 26, 2021

“21 Best Healthy Cooking Hacks of All Time”


Make your meals even healthier with these easy tips and tricks!

If you're cooking at home, you're likely making a meal that is going to be significantly healthier than a restaurant dish. Cooking at home is one of the easiest ways to cut down on calories, even if you're making a hearty meal like cheeseburgers or pasta. However, if you're looking for even more ways to make your cooking healthier and convenient, there are a few healthy cooking hacks you can keep in mind for future culinary adventures. Here are some of our favorites.

ROAST YOUR ENTIRE DINNER ON ONE SHEET PAN: There are a few ways to throw a weeknight meal together. Frying and sautéing are two of the most popular, but if you're not careful, that method of cooking can cause you to add in more oil than the dish probably needs. An easy way to control the amount of oil you are using is to roast your dinner on a sheet pan in the oven. Plus, with this method, you can get all of your cooking done at once and clean minimal dishes later. It's a win-win.


ADD WATER TO A PASTA JAR: While it is fun to make your own marinara sauce at home, buying it in a jar is a lot easier for weeknight meals—and a lot of them are pretty low in calories and filled with great, whole ingredients. But sometimes when you pour that jar of sauce into your pot, not all of it will pour out. An easy way to get the rest is to add a small splash of water, close the lid, and shake it up. Then pour it back in. It will add just a splash more liquid to it, but we promise, you won't even notice.


SAUTÉ YOUR SPINACH: Spinach is known for having heat-sensitive nutrients, meaning it will lose a lot of its health benefits when you cook them. Boiling tends to have the harshest effect on the nutrients in spinach. If you want to make the most of the nutrients in your spinach, sauté them quickly and enjoy it while it's warm.


MAKE OPEN-FACED SANDWICHES: We know that the bread of the sandwich is probably the most important aspect of the meal because it holds all of the fillings together. But since a bottom slice can hold everything sufficiently, why even bother with the top half? You can cut a few calories and simply toast one slice of bread and top it with all of your favorite sandwich fixings.


BAKE FRIES: Did you know potatoes are one of the best appetite suppressants? It's true! They are a great source of satiety in your diet—not to mention the myriad of nutrients it can give you. However, if those fries you are making are dripping in oil (and likely a high amount of saturated fat), they aren't the best for your body overall. But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy fries! Instead, cut up the fries and roast them in the oven with a bit of oil, salt, and pepper. You'll have a crispy snack or side dish that will make you feel full, without all of the excess oil and calories.


DOUBLE-UP ON VEGGIES: Eating healthy doesn't mean you're only stuck with boring salads. You can actually enjoy some of your favorite dishes like pasta, pizza, and even burgers. The trick is to pair your meals with lots of filling vegetables to round out the meal. Pile your favorite vegetable toppings on pizza and burgers. Toss together a serving of pasta with your favorite roasted vegetables. Not only will this add a ton of nutrients and fiber to your meal, but it will help you to feel full.


MAKE A ROUX FOR CREAM-BASED DISHES: Cream-based pasta dishes may sound like an unhealthy meal, but only if you drown it in cream and butter. Instead, you can make a thick, creamy sauce by making a roux to lighten it up. To make a roux, you melt butter and sprinkle in some flour, whisk till combined, then slowly pour in regular milk (not cream!) until the sauce gets thick. Add in a bit of cheese, and voila! The perfect cream sauce.


SERVE MEALS WITH A SIDE OF GREENS:  Portion control is the key to cooking healthy meals, but we know that can be difficult if you're used to feasting on your favorite dishes. An easy way to portion control is to fill half your plate with a simple side of greens. This could be any vegetable, but for one of our favorite healthy cooking hacks is to simply toss a side of leafy greens with a small drizzle of olive oil, salt, and pepper. Fill half your plate with greens and the other half with your dish, and voila! Easy portion control that you didn't have to think too hard about.


ADD CHIA SEEDS: Did you know chia seeds are loaded with dietary fiber? Fiber is one of the best nutrients to have in your meals because it will help with weight loss and warding off autoimmune diseases. An easy way to get your fiber in is to sprinkle chia seeds on some of your meals—especially breakfast foods. Sprinkle it on a slice of toast with peanut butter, add it to your yogurt or your overnight oats, or even make a chia seed pudding for breakfast for a big fiber boost.


MAKE YOUR OWN GRANOLA: Not only is granola absurdly expensive at the store, but most bags are loaded with added sugars. You can avoid both altogether by simply making your own granola at home. Granola is obviously a great topping for yogurt, but it can even go well topped on a scoop of ice cream for dessert or a simple snack on its own.


SWAP WITH WHOLE-GRAIN PRODUCTS: Another easy way to get fiber into your diet is to swap your typical go-to carbohydrates with whole-grain (or whole-wheat) products. Some of the easiest swaps include bread, buns, tortillas, crackers, pasta, pizza dough, and more.


HEAT FROZEN BERRIES FOR AN EASY JAM: Who doesn't love a good PB&J? It's a classic dish, but if you're not careful, the sugar count can increase pretty quickly. Instead, add 1/2 cup of berries to a saucepan and heat it until the berries are broken down. Add the heated berries to your slice of toast with peanut butter, and there you have it! A healthier PB&J. This trick works well with all kinds of dishes that you like to enjoy with jam such as oatmeal, pancakes, or muffins.


BAKE WITH OAT FLOUR: Because oat flour is full of nutrients (including fiber) and naturally gluten-free, it's an easy choice for flour in all of your recipes. To make it, all you have to do is blend up rolled-cut oats! For 1 cup of oat flour, you blend up 1 1/4 cup of oats, and simply multiply accordingly based on how many cups of flour you need.


FREEZE FRUIT AND KALE FOR EASY SMOOTHIES: Do you have fruit going bad in the fridge? Before it's completely gone for good, freeze it for later! Pack up 1/2 a banana, 1/2 cup of the fruit of your choice, and 1 cup of kale in small freezer bags. When you're ready for a smoothie, blend that smoothie pack with 1 cup of almond milk and either 1 tablespoon of peanut butter or 1 scoop of protein powder.


TOP SALADS AND OATS WITH SLICED ALMONDS, NOT WHOLE: Nuts are a great topping for all kinds of dishes—salads and oats especially. But if you're not careful, the calories can add up quickly. Instead, buy a container of sliced almonds. One tablespoon of sliced almonds is only 30 calories, while a mere 15 whole almonds hit over 100 calories. With the sliced almonds, you get more opportunities for crunch compared to the whole. Another win-win.


LEAVE THE SKINS ON: Why peel potatoes, carrots, or even apples when the skins give you a significant amount of nutrients? Unless the recipe calls you to peel these items, leave them on, and enjoy the health benefits that these natural vegetable skins will give you.


MICROWAVE GARLIC FOR 7 SECONDS: Peeling garlic is one of the most inconvenient steps when making a recipe with garlic in it. While you could shake it up in a mason jar, an even faster way to slip those garlic cloves out of the peel is microwaving them. Place the garlic cloves (peels on) in a small bowl, microwave for 7 seconds, and the cloves will slip right out of those peels when you grab them.


ADD A SPLASH OF MILK TO SCRAMBLED EGGS: Fluffy scrambled eggs are easier to make than you think! However, you don't need to drown your eggs in cream and cheese to get there. Instead, simply add a splash of milk with two cracked eggs in a bowl. Whisk to combine, then cook on the pan with just a small amount of butter. Continuously stir with a rubber spatula until the eggs are just about cooked, then remove from the pan.

THICKEN SAUCES WITH PASTA WATER: If you made a roux that ended up being runnier than you hoped, don't fret just yet—or add more flour than you need. Instead, use up a bit of the pasta water that your pasta is cooking in. When the pasta boils in a pot, the starch releases into the water, which can easily be used while you cook. Splash a tablespoon (or two) into the pan with your sauce and stir. It will naturally thicken.


COOK SHRIMP WITH SHELLS ON: The last thing you probably want to eat is dried-out shrimp—especially after paying a good price to get them! Instead, buy shrimp with the shells still on them (which are typically cheaper) and cook them in whatever sauce you are making with those shells. The shells help to capture all of that juicy flavor and make an even softer, juicer piece of shrimp.


LET PANCAKE BATTER SIT FOR 15 MINUTES: Most pancake recipes call for you to put in baking powder, which is a leavening agent. The baking powder is the key trick to making a fluffy pancake versus a flat pancake. However, if you don't leave your pancake batter to sit for a bit, it doesn't give your batter enough time to soak in the baking powder and make it fluffy. So, after you whisk together your batter (but not too much, those lumps create great air pockets for the pancake!), leave it for 15 minutes while you get your pan and your toppings ready. This means that with fluffier pancakes, you're likely to eat less of them, and not indulge on too many flat, calorie-dense flapjacks.


BY: kiersten hickman, eat this, not that, AUGUST 25, 2020


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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

“The #1 Cause of Abdominal Obesity”


It’s a “multifaceted disease which can often be linked to numerous other adverse health conditions.”

HERE IS THE SKINNY ON ABDOMINAL FAT: Not all fat is created equal. However, many of us are treating all of our fat the same way and not really understanding why it happens and what we can do about it — and that that answer may differ with different body types and responses. "While we don't exactly know why abdominal fat is so harmful, we do know there are two types of fat; subcutaneous fat (under the skin) and visceral fat (fat inside the abdomen and around the organs)," said Dr. Robert Graham, MD, MPH, ABOIM, FACP, Chief Health Officer for Performance Kitchen and co-founder of FRESH Med. Visceral fat is bad for your health. "It's been linked to our inflammatory and stress response mechanisms. Through the activation of these systems, we have diseases like obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, high cholesterol especially high triglycerides, fatty liver and blood clots," said Dr. Graham. All in all, research has revealed that this will increase the risk of insulin resistance, cardiovascular and cardiometabolic diseases. 


OBESITY IS VERY COMMON: In America, roughly 33% of adults and 25% of children are obese. Society assumes that individuals who struggle with obesity are lazy. The majority believe that overweight people simply eat too much. "Sadly, this false paradigm exacerbates the problem. In reality, the issue of obesity is not that simple," said Digbi Health founder and CEO Ranjan Singh. If this condition isn't caused by laziness and simple overeating, what is it? "Obesity is a multifaceted disease which can often be linked to numerous other adverse health conditions like sleep apnea, cancer, heart disease, digestive issues, stroke, etc.," said Singh. Furthermore, obesity is one of the few maladies that can have a negative impact on social health and interpersonal relationships.


SYMPTOMS OF OBESITY: Obesity symptoms include being overweight, binge eating, potbelly, fatigue, and snoring. However, the disease is diagnosed by calculating a patient's body mass index (BMI). "It is determined when a person has a higher BMI than what is considered healthy," said Singh. A person with a BMI of above 30 is considered obese. And there are three classes of obesity, according to Singh. The ideal BMI for a healthy adult falls in a range between 18.5 and less than 29.9. Anything above this may be linked to other serious physical illnesses.

  • Class 1 Obesity: BMI of 30 to 34.9
  • Class 2 Obesity: BMI of 35 to 39.9
  • Class 3 Obesity: BMI of 40 or higher

How do you know if you are obese? Obesity can be quickly self-diagnosed. Enter your height and weight in this BMI calculator to discover your BMI and find out where you fall into the spectrum. 


THE #1 CAUSE OF ABDOMINAL OBESITY IS DIET: This is an unavoidable truth. While many factors play a role in obesity, what we put in our bodies is a leading factor. As much as we wish it were true, you can't spot reduce but you can make changes to get to a healthier weight. "Clean up your diet by reducing processed foods and increasing the amount of whole fruits, veggies and fiber-loaded foods you eat every day," said Sherry Ross, MD, OB/GYN and women's health expert at Providence Saint John's Health Center in Santa Monica, California. Experts also agree that it takes a combo of diet and exercise to see results so start moving your body every day for at least 30 minutes. "There's lots of evidence that strength training can kick your exercise up a notch, but the most important thing is consistency so find something you can stick with," said Dr. Ross. Our metabolism starts to slow down as we age, which means we burn less calories and we naturally start to lose muscle. If you want to prevent that, it means you need to start to modify your routine by eating less and exercising more. “Eliminate some of the discretionary calories during your day – like dessert or wine instead of having both," said Dr. Ross. Think about either increasing the amount of your exercise or to be more efficient, increase the intensity. "Look at changing up your exercise routine and including some high intensity interval training (HIIT) as a way of raising your game," said Dr. Ross.


GENETICS PLAY A ROLE: "Obesity is affected partially by genetics with the gut microbiome as a contributing factor. Lifestyle choices, socio economic issues, age, pregnancy, lack of sleep, stress, and previous attempts to lose weight also play a role," said Singh. While healthy eating choices and exercise are recommended for obesity, there is no one-size-fits-all cure. The reason a cure cannot be defined is that each individual body is different. Consequently, treatment should be recommended on a case-by-case basis because diet and exercise alone cannot cure obesity. "With a genetic evaluation and gut bacteria analysis, physicians, health coaches, and individuals can create informed and effective healthcare and weight-management plans," said Singh. "Obesity is a life-threatening disease with direct links to other physical and social issues. The cause is complex with multiple, unique factors in every case." So, effective obesity treatment requires a customized strategy.


DEALING WITH RISK FACTORS: Identifying risk factors is the first step in dealing with obesity. "It's important we treat patients with increased abdominal obesity aggressively by modifying their risk factors using a multifactorial lifestyle approach in addition to just medications," said Dr. Graham.  First: "We must share with our patients that this is completely preventable and reversible by using lifestyle as medicine." For Dr. Graham, that means food, relaxation, exercise, sleep, and happiness. When it comes to food, it's important to eat more plants. A Mediterranean style diet, avoiding simple sugars and sodas, eating more fiber and less meat, are all important. Also important is self-care. Relax, according to Dr. Graham, which means find time to control and manage your stress, and exercise, sleep at least 7-8 hours/night, and just be happy! "Health is contagious, other people matter so surround yourself with healthier, happier, more positive people," said Dr. Graham. 


BY: Aly Walansky, Eat This, Not That, AUGUST 14, 2021

Much Love, Dr.Shermaine, #InformativeRead #PleaseShare #HealthyBodySoulAndSpirit #IWantYou2LiveWell #FeelFree2SignUpAndFollow

The Goal is to Always Make You Aware of What Concerns Your Body, Soul and Spirit, So You Can Have Open, Honest and Frequent Discussions With Your Physicians and Counselors. You Can’t Treat or Cure What You Don’t Know is Sick.
"It's Not Selfish to Love Yourself, Take Care of Yourself and to Make Your Happiness a Priority. It's a Necessity." (Mandy Hale)

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