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Wednesday, May 24, 2023



LEAN RED MEAT: If you're a steak-and-potatoes guy, you're in luck. Red meat can be good for you, says Leslie Bonci, MPH, RD, a dietitian for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Lean cuts of beef and pork are packed with protein and have only a little more fat than chicken breast. Red meat is also a good source of leucine, an amino acid that helps build muscle.

TART CHERRIES: How do the Pittsburgh Steelers soothe sore muscles? Cherry juice. Bonci says she keeps some in their training room at all times. "The pigment in cherries and cherry juice mimics the effects of some anti-inflammatory medicines," says Bonci. "And there are no side effects."

CHOCOLATE: Chocolate may improve blood flow if you eat the right kind. The flavanols in dark chocolate may curb levels of bad cholesterol, improve circulation, and keep blood pressure in check. Men with poor blood flow are more likely to have erection problems, so heart-wise foods may protect your sex life, too. But too much chocolate can lead to weight gain. Enjoy 1 ounce a day instead of other sweets.

SHELLFISH: Shellfish and other types of seafood are rich in zinc, which is critically important for the heart, muscles, and reproductive system. Zinc levels below normal are linked to poor sperm quality and male infertility. Not fond of seafood? Beef, turkey, chicken, nuts, and seeds offer a healthy dose of zinc, too.

AVOCADO: Sure, this creamy fruit is high in fat, but it's the good kind. The monounsaturated fat in avocados packs a one-two punch against cholesterol. It can knock down total cholesterol and "bad" cholesterol (LDL), too. The trick is to use a "mono" fat instead of saturated or trans fats. And eat no more than 25%-35% of all your calories from fat. Olive oil and nuts also contain good fats.

FATTY FISH: Fatty fish like salmon, herring, sardines, and halibut are another excellent source of healthy fat. They have a special type known as omega-3 fatty acids. These protect against heart disease, the top killer of men in the U. S. Two servings of fatty fish a week can lower your chances of dying from heart disease.

GINGER: Slices of this spicy root are often served with sushi or grated into an Asian stir-fry. Health-wise, ginger may help calm inflammation in the body -- which can come in handy when you push yourself too hard. Eating ginger regularly may help reduce the pain of exercise-related muscle injuries.

MILK AND YOGURT: The whey in milk and yogurt is another source of leucine, a muscle-building amino acid. Bonci recommends Greek yogurt, with a thick, creamy taste that men may like better. It's also packed with protein, potassium, and friendly bacteria that keep the gut healthy. "Plus, it requires no preparation whatsoever."

BANANAS: The banana is celebrated for its bounty of potassium -- and with good reason. Potassium is critical for muscle contractions and bone health. It also helps blood pressure. Getting enough potassium may be as important as eating less sodium when it comes to lowering blood pressure.

PISTACHIOS: Nuts provide protein, fiber, and zinc while satisfying the urge for a crunchy, salty snack. Pistachios are a stand out -- higher in plant sterols that can improve cholesterol levels. Eat them from the shell, so you work harder for each one. It's a fun way to snack and keeps you from gobbling up too many calories too quickly.

BRAZIL NUTS: A single ounce of Brazil nuts has seven times the daily value of selenium. This mineral boosts the immune system and helps the thyroid gland.

TOMATO SAUCE: Tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a substance that may protect against some cancers. Some research suggests that men who eat tomato sauce regularly are less likely to get prostate cancer, but not all studies support this. Tomatoes have many other plant nutrients, too, that support good health. Adding salsa to a burrito or tomato sauce to pasta is an easy way to make a meal more nutritious.

SOY FOODS: The food that offers the best protection against prostate cancer may be soy. That's the finding from a study of 40 nations. Tofu, miso soup, and soy milk are all delicious ways to eat more soy. In Asian countries, people eat up to 90 times more soy foods than Americans eat. And prostate cancer is far less common in those countries.

MIXED VEGETABLES: Vegetables are packed with phytochemicals, nutrients that boost cell health and protect against cancer. There are many different phytochemicals, and the best way to get a variety of them is to eat different colored veggies. "There should be color on your plate at every meal," Bonci says. 

ORANGE VEGETABLES: Orange vegetables are an excellent source of beta-carotene, lutein, and vitamin C. These nutrients may lower your odds of developing an enlarged prostate, according to a large study. Good choices include red bell peppers, carrots, pumpkins, and sweet potatoes.

LEAFY GREEN VEGETABLES: Spinach, collard greens, and kale can help the eyes as well as the prostate. These leafy green vegetables have plenty of lutein and zeaxanthin. Both nutrients protect against cataracts and age-related macular degeneration, an eye disease that impairs vision. 

EGGS: Eggs provide lutein, protein, and iron, but you have to eat the whole egg. One yolk, with 185 mg of cholesterol, fits into the daily limit for healthy people. You might also cut back on high-cholesterol sweets to make room for whole eggs in your diet. If you have high cholesterol, ask your doctor if you should limit how many eggs you eat per week.

HIGH-FIBER CEREAL: Fiber may not sound manly, but it can be a performance enhancer. Executive or athlete, you can't focus on your goals if your gut is acting up. Fiber keeps you full longer and helps your digestive system run smoothly. This doesn't mean you have to give up your favorite cereal -- just try mixing in some shredded wheat. "Don't deprive yourself," Bonci advises, "but add something good."

BROWN RICE: Brown rice is another great source of fiber, and it's easy to dress up with tasty, colorful food. Try adding lean meat, baby spinach, and pineapple. If you don't like the texture, mix some white rice with the brown. Brown rice and other whole grains can help you stay at a healthy weight and lower your risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

BERRIES: "Berries can help you be on top of your game mentally as well as physically," Bonci says. They're loaded with antioxidants that may help lower the risk of cancer. Animal studies suggest blueberries can also enhance memory and thinking. Similar research in people is in its infancy, but looks promising. When fresh berries are expensive or tough to find, try buying them frozen and making a shake.

COFFEE: When you need a pick-me-up, Bonci recommends making a good old-fashioned cup of joe. Research shows it can make you more alert, and plain coffee has almost no calories. This makes it a far better choice than expensive, high-calorie energy drinks.

FOCUS ON THE GOOD STUFF: To change your diet, add good foods rather than denying yourself bad ones. As you get used to eating more fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains, these foods may come to replace some of the less healthy choices. Dietitian Bonci offers a sports metaphor to sum up the benefits: You'll play better today and stay in the game longer. 

MEDICALLY REVIEWED BY: Nazia Q. Bandukwala, DO, WebMD, on November 22, 2022


American Optometric Association.
American Urological Association Foundation.
Harvard School of Public Health.
Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, January 2010.
Journal of Pain, September 2010.
Kuehl, K. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, 2010.
Leslie Bonci, MPH, RD, director of sports nutrition, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center; nutritional consultant to the Pittsburgh Steelers.
National Institutes of Health.
News Release, National Cancer Institute.
Nutrition Research, February 2009.
Oregon Health and Science University.
Oregon State University's Linus Pauling Institute.
USDA Nutrition Evidence Library.

Much Love, Dr.Shermaine, #InformativeRead #PleaseShare #HealthyBodySoulAndSpirit #IWantYou2LiveWell #FeelFree2SignUpAndFollow

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"It's Not Selfish to Love Yourself, Take Care of Yourself and to Make Your Happiness a Priority. It's a Necessity." (Mandy Hale)

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Monday, May 15, 2023

"Better Skin After 50"


GET GLOWING SKIN NOW: Your wisdom and confidence may grow as you get older, but the same isn't true for many of your hormone levels. During menopause, lower levels of estrogen have a big impact on your skin. Less estrogen makes you prone to thinning, sagging, and wrinkling. Fortunately, you can relieve some of the skin-related effects of aging by taking care of your specific skin care needs.

YOUR SKIN AND MENOPAUSE: Menopause causes many changes to your skin. Your body stops making as much collagen. You lose some fat under your skin and your skin's elasticity drops. That, combined with dryness caused by hormonal changes, can cause sagging -- especially around the neck, jawline, and cheeks -- and fine lines and wrinkles. The lines and wrinkles you get with menopause are often crow's feet and lines above the upper lip.

CLEAN UP: Cleansing is an important skin care step -- especially as you age. As you get older and your skin gets drier, your skin especially can benefit from extra moisture. The key is using a cleanser that's right for drier skin. So, opt for a creamy formula that hydrates instead of foam or gel cleansers, which can strip moisture away.

HYDRATE, HYRDRATE, HYRDRATE: After menopause, your skin gets drier because oil glands aren't as active. Try to give skin more moisture with a heavier cream. Skip long, hot showers and put on moisturizer while your skin is still damp. That helps boost hydration.

YOU STILL NEED SPF: Even though skin cancer and wrinkling are caused by the amount of sun you got in your 20s, 30s, and 40s, you still need to protect your skin. Why? Skin may have less natural protection than when you were younger. So look for a broad-spectrum SPF of 30 or higher, and wear it every day.

MINIMIZE WRINKLED SKIN: You get wrinkles from too much sun damage over the years, as well as the hormonal changes of menopause. As your hormone levels decrease with age, that can change your skin quality and make wrinkles worse.  Wrinkles may be more obvious when your skin is dry, especially as you age. Use moisturizer on your face, jawline and neck every day, and look for skin care products designed to help fight fine lines and sagging and that lead to a brighter appearance overall.

HIT THE SPOTS: Age spots on the face, hands, and chest can look more obvious around menopause. Help prevent them by using sunscreen every day. Already got spots? Fade them with exfoliating products that shed dead skin cells, which can be dull and flaky. Skin-lightening products can help fade spots. Toners can also help even out skin color.

HELP YOUR HANDS: The backs of your hands can lose moisture, collagen, and fat during menopause. That can make veins more obvious and skin more wrinkled. Plus, your skin can look see-through and bony. To reduce the look of wrinkles, use moisturizer often on your hands. Protect them from the sun. And wear gloves when doing house or yard work.

EAT YOUR ANTIOXIDANTS: Collagen gives your skin its youthful plumpness and keeps your skin tight. As your estrogen levels drop, so does the collagen in your skin. Eating foods with antioxidants may help make your skin stronger from the inside out. Look for brightly colored fruits and vegetables (they get their color from these healthy compounds) and try to eat every color of the spectrum.

STOCK UP ON SOY: Soy is rich in isoflavones, plant-based compounds that seem to act like estrogen in the body. Isoflavones may help improve age-related changes like thinning skin. Experts believe about 50 mg of isoflavones -- that's like 3 ounces of tempeh or a half cup of miso -- a day can help menopausal women in other ways, too.

LOOK FOR BALANCE: Stress can make your skin drier and more sensitive. It can also trigger conditions like psoriasis. And if you're stressed out, you might even forget your skin care routine. Try yoga, meditation, and other stress-reduction techniques to help you relax.

WORK IT OUT: Exercise does more than just tone your muscles. It helps skin in two ways. First, it relieves stress. Exercise also boosts circulation, which begins to slow with age. The extra oxygen and blood flow can help your skin look brighter and healthier.

BULK UP ON BEAUTY SLEEP: Getting enough sleep helps your skin look fresh. Sleep can help prevent dark circles under your eyes, and it also gives the rest of your body a chance to recharge. Lack of sleep can change your hormone levels and metabolism in many of the same ways that aging does. So shoot for a solid 7 to 9 hours of shut-eye every night.

MEDICALLY REVIEWED BY: Traci C. Johnson, MD, WebMD on August 16, 2021


American Academy of Dermatology: "10 Tips: Selecting Age-Fighting Topicals," "Busy moms deserve a hand: Dermatologists offer tips to prevent premature aging of the hands," "Causes of Aging Skin," "Mature Skin," "Stress and Skin."
Leslie Baumann, MD, cosmetic dermatologist, Miami, Fla.
Mary Lupo, MD, dermatologist, New Orleans, La., clinical professor of dermatology, Tulane University School of Medicine.
Mitchell Matez, DO, general surgeon and specialist in alternative and complementary medicine, Boca Raton, Fla.
National Women's Health Network: "Menopause, Hormone Therapy, & Aging Skin – Is There a Connection?"
News release, The University of Chicago.
News release, The University of Delaware.
Marina Peredo, MD, dermatologist, Smithtown, N.Y.
Polito, F. British Journal of Pharmacology, February 2012.
Raine-Fenning, N. American Journal of Clinical Dermatology, 2003.

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"It's Not Selfish to Love Yourself, Take Care of Yourself and to Make Your Happiness a Priority. It's a Necessity." (Mandy Hale)

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Wednesday, May 10, 2023

"Drinking These Beverages Daily Could Add Years to Your Life"


Put down that sugary soda. It could be deadly, particularly if you have type 2 diabetes.

A nearly two-decade-long study linked high intake of sugar-sweetened beverages — soda, lemonade and fruit punch — with premature death in people with type 2 diabetes. The link was found for both heart-related reasons and all causes.

But other beverages — specifically coffee, tea, low-fat milk and plain water — helped lower the odds of early death.

These findings point to the potential role of healthy drinks for folks with type 2 diabetes, the study concluded.

“Beverages can be a source of sugar, but also could be an important source of other dietary constituents, so it is natural to hypothesize that the different beverages may really have different effects on health among diabetes patients,” says study co-author Dr. Qi Sun, an associate professor of nutrition and epidemiology at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. He notes that there was little existing evidence about the impact of beverages on type 2 diabetes-related death.

Data from the study came from more than 9,200 women and more than 3,500 men who were part of other major research projects. All had been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes during the 18.5-year study period.

Every two to four years, they reported how often they consumed sugar-sweetened or artificially sweetened beverages, as well as juice, coffee, tea, water and low-fat milk.

Each additional daily serving of a sugar-sweetened beverage was associated with an eight percent uptick in death from all causes for people with type 2 diabetes. Replacing that drink with one of the healthy options lowered the risk of early death by 18 percent.

The study does not prove that unhealthy drinking habits cause early death, only that there is an association between the two.

In 2021, an estimated 537 million adults worldwide had type 2 diabetes. That number is projected to reach 783 million by 2045, the researchers wrote.

How to change your drinking habits?

Some healthy drinking habits reaped big benefits, the study found.

For example, replacing one serving of soda or lemonade with a cup of coffee can lower your risk of premature death from all causes by 18 percent and lower your risk of death from heart disease by 20 percent. If you’re a tea drinker that has amazing benefits as well. The benefit for tea was 16 percent and 24%, respectively.

Plain water paid dividends, too — lowering the risk of early death by 16 percent for all causes and 20 percent for heart-related causes.

Replacing a sugar-sweetened beverage with low-fat dairy milk showed a 12% and 19% lower risk.

“I think the keyword, if there’s only one keyword here, is quality,” Sun notes. “One factor to measure quality is the association of health effects of beverages.”

His advice: Drink healthy versions of beverages and reduce or avoid unhealthy choices.

Beverages with artificial sweeteners were found to be less problematic than their sugary counterparts. But they weren’t as good as healthier choices, the study found. Replacing a sugar-sweetened drink with an artificially sweetened one was linked to an eight percent lower risk of early death and a 15 percent lower risk of death from heart-related causes.

Fruit juices, with high natural sugar content but also nutrients, fell somewhere in between.

“Fruit juice is still better than the sugar-sweetened beverages,” Sun shares.

Dr. Nita Gandhi Forouhi, of the University of Cambridge in England, is the author of an accompanying editorial. She wrote that the findings point in one direction: Drinking fewer sugar-sweetened drinks and more of the healthier alternatives is best for folks with type 2 diabetes.

How sugary drinks affect your health?

Forouhi notes that the analysis did not differentiate between different types of tea or the impact of adding sugar to coffee.

Yet, the choice of beverage clearly matters.

These drinks contribute to energy intake and to diet quality, which can affect obesity and longer-term health, Forouhi shares.

“Diabetes is a pretty serious issue and it does indeed cut down people’s life expectancy and, at the very least, their quality of life,” she adds. “Even if they live long, they have a life often that is complicated with heart disease and all sorts of other problems, kidney disease and sensation problems and so on, so if there is something seemingly so simple as just swap your drinks and that can really have quite a meaningful impact, I think that’s a pretty powerful message.”

How to minimize your sugary drink intake?

Connie Diekman, a food and nutrition consultant and former president of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, notes that sugar-sweetened beverages have lots of calories but little, if any, nutritional value. They don’t satisfy hunger, and it’s possible to consume a large quantity within minutes. A healthy lifestyle can be about finding balance, she says.

“As a registered dietitian, what I always say to people is, ‘OK, so if you want the hundred calories in this food that gives you nothing else, what other food are you willing to not consume?'” Diekman adds.

She suggests that people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes meet with a registered dietitian to help determine what they should eat and review their overall health, eating habits and lifestyle.

Everyone, not just people with type 2 diabetes, should look at how much of these drinks they consume, Diekman suggests.

“Take about three days, look at your food intake. How much sugar-sweetened beverage is in there? Is it one a day, two a day, three a day? And how can you begin to reduce that?” Diekman says. “Do it slowly, so that it’s comfortable and maintainable.”

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