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Friday, September 22, 2017

“Seniors, You Are NOT Out of Service!”

Psalm 71:9, “And now, in my old age, don’t set me aside. Don’t forsake me now when my strength is failing” (TLB)

If it’s one thing that drives me nuts being a New York City resident, it is out of service buses! Now, if you've ever spent a lot of time or any time, in the city, you may have had the experience of waiting for a bus. And that part really doesn’t bother me all that much. Many times in life we experience waiting, whether we like it or not. We have to wait at the supermarket, in the mall, at the ATM, at the gas station, at the doctor or dentist office, even for the church service to finally be over! So waiting isn’t foreign to many of us. However, when you've got a couple of packages in your hands to juggle, and it's freezing outside, not to mention some weird people are starting to cruise by for the second time (making you extremely nervous, after all, we are talking about the city here), but then suddenly you see the dim outline of a bus on the horizon! Relief sets in, you will finally (or should I say hopefully) be able to get on the bus and get a seat, you will be able to warm up a bit and sit your bags down to allow the blood to begin flowing again in your numb fingertips. Literally your heart leaps within you like a child on Christmas morning as you see the bus approaching! 

BUT, finally it gets close enough for you to read the sign on the bus, and there are three words that almost stop your heart from beating: "OUT OF SERVICE"! You have got to be kidding me! I’m obviously being punked, who would dare have a bus ride by a person holding a million bags, freezing, and waiting forever, just to have the bus show up with “OUT OF SERVICE” as its distressing sign? 

Who knew three little words could be so very discouraging?

That “OUT OF SERVICE” message on the bus reminded me of 2 Timothy 4:6-7, a very interesting valedictory on Paul's life. Now, if you've ever tried to ride a bus (especially in good ole New York City), you may know how it feels to need a vehicle and find out that it's “OUT OF SERVICE”. You know, not available for you to use? No matter how badly you need to use it! Well, God knows that feeling too.

And that takes us to Paul here at the end of his lifetime run. And truth is, he has every right to rest! I mean, he has served the Lord with all his heart. Listen to just a brief portion of Paul’s service to the Lord:

2 Corinthians 11:23-29, “I’ve worked much harder, been jailed more often, beaten up more times than I can count, and at death’s door time after time. I’ve been flogged five times with the Jews’ thirty-nine lashes, beaten by Roman rods three times, pummeled with rocks once. I’ve been shipwrecked three times, and immersed in the open sea for a night and a day. In hard traveling year in and year out, I’ve had to ford rivers, fend off robbers, struggle with friends, struggle with foes. I’ve been at risk in the city, at risk in the country, endangered by desert sun and sea storm, and betrayed by those I thought were my brothers. I’ve known drudgery and hard labor, many a long and lonely night without sleep, many a missed meal, blasted by the cold, naked to the weather. And that’s not the half of it, when you throw in the daily pressures and anxieties of all the churches…” (MSG)

Like I said, clearly Paul deserves every right to retire, move to Florida, and lounge on the beach for countless hours day-by-day! He has every right to leave the battles to someone else; to hang out his sign that says, "OUT OF SERVICE"! But listen instead to Paul’s response from 2 Timothy 4:6-7, "I am being poured out like a drink offering, and the time has come for my departure. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

Let’s look at it in different translations: 

“You take over. I’m about to die, my life an offering on God’s altar…” (MSG); 

“Now the time has come for me to die. My life is a drink offering being poured out on the altar…” (CEV);

“My life is coming to an end, and it is now time for me to be poured out as a sacrifice to God…” (GWT);

“I say this because I won’t be around to help you very much longer. My time has almost run out. Very soon now I will be on my way to heaven…” (TLB)

Paul's picture at the end of his life, after 30 years of giving all he had to give, says, “you take over, I’m about to die, the time for me to die has come, my life is coming to an end, I won’t be around to help you very much longer”. And if that’s all he said that might sound quite depressing and discouraging. However, listen to the rest, "my life is a drink offering BEING POURED OUT on the altar…my time has ALMOST RUN OUT...." I love the fact that Paul still uses Present Tense! Yes, his life is ALMOST over and he’s ABOUT to die…However, God Is Still Using Me! He’s Still Pouring My Life Out Into the Lives of Others as a Sacrifice and Offering! I’m Not Quite Done YET!

What I see as a visual is an Olympic runner with veins bulging and every sweat gland pumping, fully extended, nothing left. He in essence says, "When I cross the finish line into Jesus' arms, I want to collapse into His arms with nothing left in my pockets, nothing left in my energy. I will give it all to the finish line." Man! Paul will not retire spiritually until he gets retired by his Lord to heaven! He’s not stopping short, he’s making no excuses no matter how bad his knees hurt, how dull his eyesight has become, the aches in his back etc…He’s Fighting All the Way Through the Finish Line! God is Still Pouring Out of Paul, and Paul Has No Complaints! He gets to the end of his journey and in essence says, “Lord, I’ve run my race all the way to the end, but if you should need another lap out of me, I’m still laced up and ready to run!”

Well, that's the attitude we all should share, but we don't sometimes. Right? Oh, maybe you've worked hard for the Lord, you've done a lot of the jobs there are to do, and you're kind of tired. Now you're saying, "I think I've earned a little time out; I think I've earned a rest. Let's pass it on to others. I served my time." And let’s be honest, many of us have worn every hat there is to wear in ministry, and now we’re ready to lay our weary heads down and take a restful nap. No one is saying that you haven’t earned the right to rest. Certainly Paul did. However, Paul still made himself available to the Lord, regardless to the ending of his years of life. Can you honestly say you serve God like that?

Listen, truth is, no matter what age we are, we don't have a time limit in serving the Lord! Most have maybe 70 or 80 years of service to make our mark for eternity. And in most recent years we now see saints up in the 100’s still in church, serving the Lord. And why? Because there's too much to do and there's too few to do it! Because everybody feels qualified and entitled to take a break! Especially our seasoned leaders! And believe me, I understand. I have quite a bit of longevity on both sides of my family with an aunt who just turned 103 years old. That’s a lot of time to dwell here on the earth (especially with in most recent years the untimely death of many youth). So, I get it, you’ve worked hard and now you’re tired. And rightfully so! But you've got experience that most of our education can’t even compete with! We still need you! Don't hang out an "OUT OF SERVICE" sign just yet! 

There’s still more fruit in you that we need to be nourished by! Psalm 92:14, “[Growing in grace] they will still thrive and bear fruit and prosper IN OLD AGE; They will flourish and be vital and fresh [rich in trust and love and contentment];” (AMP) How powerful is that?! Seniors, you will THRIVE; BEAR FRUIT; PROSPER; FLOURISH; BE VITAL AND FRESH; RICH IN TRUST, LOVE AND CONTENTMENT! And when will all of this occur? “…IN OLD AGE…”! Does that sound like a person with an “OUT OF SERVICE” sign over them? ABSOLUTELY NOT! Your work for the Lord does not expire with age!

Listen: We're here to live poured-out lives, holding nothing back, just like Paul. We might retire to a different location, but never retiring from the front lines until God calls us home. You want to re-tire, that means to put new tires on so you can keep on going; in other words GET RE-TIRED! Then keep on trucking! God is looking for human vehicles that He can use for heaven's sake. Don't pull up in front of Jesus with a sign that says "OUT OF SERVICE"

Seniors, remember, above I shared with you why a person is so excited when they see a long-awaited bus appear? It’s often because they’ve been waiting in that same spot for a long time; not to mention they have to battle with the weather (in extreme hot and cold and everything in between); they’re often carrying bags (or baggage); sometimes it’s real early in the morning or real late at night. In other words, they’re excited because something that can carry them (and all they carry) is coming down the road in their direction. And there’s an assigned stop for the bus exactly where they’re standing. And no matter how tired or stressed they may be, the sight of that long-awaited bus approaching brings hope and expectation, relief and rest. And when seniors are present, you do the very same thing for us.

Many of us are exhausted and weighed down from life, marriage, ministry, work, health, finances, school, family, bills and the like, and we’re looking for that long-awaited bus (that has been down this route many times) to stop by and pick us up. So the very last thing they want to see is there hopes dashed in a little 3-letter message of “OUT OF SERVICE”. 

And what’s even worse is that sometimes when that “OUT OF SERVICE” bus passes, you end up having to wait another long period of time before another bus arrives. Now, some people, who’ve gotten tired of waiting, simply decide to walk. That doesn’t sound all that dangerous, but look at it from this perspective. A person was standing at the bus stop, exhausted and weighed down. The “OUT OF SERVICE” bus appears, they walk away from the place that was designed to send what would pick them up and take them where they needed to go. And many people likewise have walked away from the church for the very same reason. Seniors, there are a host of people (of all ages) who need what you have. They need to hear your knowledge, understanding and wisdom. They need to hear your failures and mistakes. They need to hear your advice and direction. Don’t go “OUT OF SERVICE” leaving them to walk away.

Be like Paul instead, and pour out everything you have, until the very last drop has been given. Believe me, you are making lives better, marriages better, all ages better, ministry/church better, life better. With you helping us, we’ll be better. So, despite your age, please know that there are still people standing at the bus stop (with a lot of baggage and exhaustion) who need you to stop by, pick them up and take them where they need to go. I’m one of those people, so please STAY IN SERVICE!

Proverbs 16:31, “The silver-haired head is a crown of splendor and glory; It is found in the way of righteousness.” (AMP);

Isaiah 46:4, “Even to your old age, I am He, And even to your advanced old age I will carry you! I have made you, and I will carry you; Be assured I will carry you and I will save you.” (AMP);

“It’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” (Abe Lincoln)

“You are never too old to set a new goal or dream a new dream.” (C.S. Lewis)

“Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art.” (Eleanor Roosevelt)

“Some people, no matter how old they get, never lose their beauty – they merely move it from their faces into their hearts.” (Martin Buxbaum)

“Laughter is timeless. Imagination has no age. And dreams are forever.” (Walt Disney)

“Those who love deeply never grow old; They may die of old age, but they die young.” (Benjamin Franklin)

 Much Love, Dr.Shermaine #InformativeRead #PleaseShare #HealthyBodySoulAndSpirit

"It's Not Selfish to Love Yourself, Take Care of Yourself and to Make Your Happiness a Priority. It's a Necessity." (Mandy Hale)

"Self-Care is Not Selfish. You Cannot Serve From an Empty Vessel." (Eleanor Brown)

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