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Tuesday, June 5, 2018

“The Beauty Benefits of Natural Oils”

WHY TRY NATURAL OILS? They are touted as alternatives to condition hair, moisturize skin, fight acne, and strengthen nails. Take a stroll down the beauty aisle of your drugstore and you’ll find them in many products. Do they work? You might need to experiment. Everyone’s skin is different, and it comes down to trial and error.


MARULA: Made from the fruit of the marula tree, which is native to South Africa, this oil is rich and hydrating. It’s full of fatty acids, which dermatologists say soothe dry skin. It absorbs quickly and won’t leave you shiny or greasy.

TEA TREE: Red, inflamed breakouts happen when bacteria gets trapped inside your pores. Research shows that tea tree oil helps zap that bacteria. In one trial, it beat a placebo gel (which has no active ingredients) at treating acne and calming inflammation. Another study found that it was as effective as benzoyl peroxide, a common ingredient in over-the-counter zit remedies.


ARGAN: Sometimes called “liquid gold,” argan oil is rich in antioxidants called polyphenols, which can fight the effects of aging. Dermatologists also say its omega-3 fatty acids boost collagen growth and plump up your skin. It doesn’t matter if you have a dry, oily, or normal skin type. It also conditions hair, but doesn’t weight it down or make it feel greasy. You can still use your other hair care products, too.

CHAMOMILE AND PEPPERMINT: You probably think of chamomile as a relaxing tea, but the oil from this daisy-like plant can also calm your skin. Skin specialists call it an anti-inflammatory and an antiseptic, which cuts down on redness, irritation, and the chance of infection. Peppermint oil has the same soothing properties.


COCONUT: Dry, cracked skin is more likely to get infected, irritated, and have allergic reactions. Coconut oil protects and moisturizes it, and soothes the scaly, rough patches that go along with common conditions like eczema, too.

ROSEHIP AND CARROT: You’ll find vitamin A in lots of skin care products. It’s a “retinoid,” a chemical that helps replace old skin cells with new ones and make collagen, which can ease color changes from scarring and stretch marks. Two oils that are particularly rich in vitamin A: rosehip seed and carrot. Some dermatologists say they’re also good as acne and anti-aging treatments. You would use only a tiny dab at nighttime.


ROSEMARY AND CASTOR: Want to plump up your ponytail? Does your scalp show more than it used to? Rosemary oil may help you get a thicker, shinier mane. In one study, 6 months of treatment worked as well as 2% minoxidil against androgenetic alopecia, a common form of hair loss in men and women. And it was less likely to cause an itchy scalp. Castor oil is another home remedy said to thicken brows and lashes. Before you try it, ask your doctor if it’s safe, since it would go near your eyes. The jury’s still out as to whether it really works.


OLIVE AND AVOCADO: Got thin or brittle nails? For a simple, all-natural solution, dab a little olive or avocado oil on them before bed. The oils will soak in overnight and nourish with good-for-you fatty acids. You can use other types of oil for this, too.

SESAME: Could you replace your mouthwash with oil? It’s trendy, but oil pulling, or rinsing out your mouth with oil, is a generations-old remedy for healthy teeth and gums. Research shows it might help. Recent international studies found that swishing with sesame oil (coconut and sunflower work, too) can cut plaque and gingivitis. It may also wash away the microorganisms that cause bad breath.

PEPPERMINT TO FEEL MORE ALERT: Smelling peppermint essential oil made drivers perkier in one study. In another, basketball players who sniffed peppermint oil had better energy and performance.

LEMON TO GET A HAPPINESS HIT: Japanese researchers found that folks with depression who sniffed citrus fragrance were able to lower their dose of antidepressants; the scent helped normalize hormone levels.

LAVENDER TO SLEEP BETTER: Research shows that lavender increases brain alpha waves associated with relaxation and deep sleep. The do-it-all scent may also alleviate PMS symptoms and reduce pain.

GINGER TO ALLEVIATE NAUSEA: Ginger teas and candies work, but smelling the essential oil also eases queasiness, per research done by anesthesiologists; cancer centers use it for patients who've had radiation.

GRAPEFRUIT TO REDUCE APPETITE: One small study of rats published in the journal Neuroscience Letters found that inhaling grapefruit oil can inhibit a key gastric nerve, dulling the sensation of hunger.

LAVENDER, CHAMOMILE, AND NEROLI TO EASE STRESS: A 2013 study of ICU patients published in the journal Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine found that sniffing this combo significantly reduced anxiety.

EUCALYPTUS TO STOP SNIFFLES: This scent reduced stuffy noses and head pressure in people with sinusitis, per a German study. Put a few drops in a sink with warm water, drape a towel over your head and breathe it in.

BLACK PEPPER TO QUIT SMOKING: In one study, cigarette smokers who inhaled it reported having fewer cravings than those who didn't; the scent irritates the back of the throat, a sensation smokers miss.

SWEET ORANGE TO QUELL ANXIETY: In one study, adults who inhaled this oil and then took a test handled the pressure sans increased anxiety. Other citrus oils, such as bergamot, can also help you keep your cool.

ROSEMARY FOR BETTER FOCUS AT WORK: The scent can improve concentration, speed and accuracy during mental tasks, per a study at Northumbria University in England. Other recent research found it may boost memory, too.

TEA TREE OIL TO FIGHT INFECTIONS: Antifungal, antiseptic and antibacterial, this oil is so potent that it has killed MRSA and staph in lab settings. Mix it with a carrier oil to fight off athlete's foot, acne and dandruff, or add a couple of drops to a squirt of your shampoo.

PEPPERMINT TO STOP HEADACHES: In one study, rubbing this oil (mixed with alcohol) into temples soothed headaches. In another, a massage with peppermint and eucalyptus oils (also combined with alcohol) reduced post-workout muscle cramps.

LAVENDER TO SOOTHE CUTS AND EASE PMS: Reach for it to soothe scrapes and stings. A few drops of lavender oil combined with the same amount of rose oil, plus an ounce of sweet almond oil, may ward off painful menstrual cramps when massaged on the abdomen.

CEDARWOOD FOR HAIR LOSS AND SKIN IRRITATION: Blended with rosemary, thyme, lavender and a carrier oil and rubbed into the scalp, it can help with hair loss—in one study, 44 percent of women saw new growth. Or pair with melted coconut oil to soothe eczema.

Reviewed by Stephanie S. Gardner, MD, WebMD, on October 18, 2015; Ellen Seidman, Health, September 25, 2014


Joshua Zeichner, MD, director of cosmetic and clinical research in dermatology and assistant professor of dermatology, Mount Sinai Medical Center, New York.
Department of Agriculture, Republic of South Africa: “Marula.”
American Academy of Dermatology: “Acne: Who Gets and Causes.”
Koh, K. British Journal of Dermatology, December 2002.
Enshaieh, S. Indian Journal of Dermatology, January-February 2007.
Bassett, I. Medical Journal of Australia, Oct. 15, 1990.
Bennani, H. Cancer Detection and Prevention, Dec. 13, 2006.
Ganceviciene, R. Dermato-Endocrinology, July 1, 2012.
Srivastava, J. Molecular Medicine Reports, Nov. 1, 2010.
Verallo-Rowell, V. Dermatitis, November-December 2008.
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Oregon State University Linus Pauling Institute: “Vitamin A and Skin Health.”
Panahi, Y. Skinmed, January-February 2015.
USDA National Nutrient Database: “Avocado Oil," "Olive Oil.”

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