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Friday, October 30, 2020

“15 Ways to Add Self-Care to Your Workout Routine”


This is how fitness pros show themselves a little TLC.

The fitness fanatics out there probably know the feeling of pushing yourself to the max in a workout. But a holistic approach to health and wellness involves movement, nutrition, and regeneration, says Alicia Agostinelli, a personal trainer and yoga instructor at Equinox Seaport Square in Boston. And while many avid gym-goers tend to be up to date when it comes to the latest HIIT craze or health food trends, most people falter when it comes to the recovery component, both for the body and the mind. Practicing self-care strategies during your workouts and in your free time can help you come back stronger, and in a more peaceful headspace—not to mention they make exercise that much more enjoyable. Steal some tips from these top trainers who manage to sweat it out hardcore and still make self-care a priority.

TRY A BREATHING EXERCISE: “In session, I connect to my breath. I try to practice 4-7-8 breathing [breathe in for four seconds, hold your breath for seven, then exhale for eight] a couple of times every hour to help me reduce stress and regulate my parasympathetic nervous system.” —Matt Delaney, CSCS, innovation coordinator and a Tier X coach at Equinox

BE YOUR OWN BIGGEST FAN: “It took years, but I genuinely view fitness as an opportunity to be a better version of myself, to build myself up, and let my strengths guide me, while looking at weaknesses with a sense of compassion. When I need to rest during a tough core series, it's okay. I'm stronger than I was a year ago, and isn't that the point? It's so much more satisfying to push yourself to the tune of ‘yes I can’ than to be afraid of failing or feeling like you're somehow not good enough if you don't perform the way you wanted to. Your mental game affects how you feel emotionally and how you perform physically, so I always make sure my inner voice is pumped up, ready to rise up to a challenge, but is ready to celebrate every moment of the work I put in.” —Emily Walsh, a Boston-based instructor at SLT

WARM UP, COOL DOWN, AND HYDRATE: “I practice self-care while exercising by including a dynamic warm-up before any workout and a good stretch after. I also have water with me at all times to stay hydrated.” —Michelle Lovitt, a California-based trainer and author of Exercise For Your Muscle Type: the Smart Way to Get Fit

GET OFF INSTAGRAM AT THE GYM: “The most important self-care action I can take during my workouts is to let my mind be in my workout 100%. I’ve had to create a rule so that I am not responding to emails, checking social media, or replying to texts when I workout. If I can escape and truly enjoy my workout, my life is fantastic.” —Holly Perkins, CSCS, author of Lift to Get Lean and founder of the online health and fitness platform Women’s Strength Nation

KEEP AN EYE ON THE ‘WHY’: “I am all about the whys behind the workout: why am I doing it, what will it achieve, and how will it make me feel. I am not a numbers-oriented person, so this is a way I track my progress and motivate myself to keep going.” —Aly Raymer, senior lead instructor and director of talent at B/SPOKE Studios, an indoor cycling studio in Boston

TUNE INTO YOUR BODY: “The best way to practice self-care during exercise is be conscious and listen to your body. Don’t ignore the signs of your body. I stretch whatever muscle I work after a workout and I try to treat myself to a massage once a month if possible.” —Scott Weiss, CSCS, a physical therapist and trainer in New York

WEAR YOUR FAVORITE GEAR: “I am mindful of what I wear. I know that sounds silly, but when I feel good in my clothing and am wearing the right pieces for the workout, I will work out harder. If I am wearing something that doesn't fit well or is too thin (think: see-through in yoga!) I will be distracted the entire practice.” —Raymer

MEDITATE ON THE REG: “I have a very dedicated meditation practice that I do mornings and evenings. It literally keeps my head on straight. For me it’s critical that I work on my internal dialogue and remind myself to speak lovingly and in a supportive manner. I can get into trouble really fast if I don’t keep an eye on this. But when I am on track, my mental attitude really does help me live a happier life and accomplish more each day. And my body thrives on it.” —Perkins

JOURNAL: I write in a gratitude journal every single morning, listing three things that I’m thankful for from the past 24 hours, and I also read a passage from a book that a good friend gave me called Journey to the Heart. It helps me get my mind right and I feel a lot more calm before jumping into a busy day.” —Emily Abbate, an ACE-certified trainer and creator of the new podcast Hurdle

SNAP PICTURES: “Photography is my self-care. I picked up the hobby a couple of years ago and have made it part of my daily life ever since. It gives me an opportunity to step away from my normal schedule and get lost in the world around me for a little while. It's has also helped me separate from technology because my eyes are always on my surroundings looking for interesting photo opportunities and no longer buried in my phone.” —Delaney

GET ORGANIZED: “I keep my work, home, and training environments clean and orderly. Keeping things free from clutter has been proven to keep you on track and better at maintaining your goals.” —Weiss

HAVE A SUNDAY CHECK-IN: “Every Sunday, ask yourself: ‘What am I doing to take care of my mind and body this week? Can I add something to my daily routine that will rest or refresh me? Can I take something out that is no longer serving me?’ Recovery and regeneration is the often forgotten third leg of a three-legged stool. When we check in both on and off the exercise mat and implement changes that benefit our health wellness, we leave our workouts and enter our personal and work lives refreshed and recovered.” —Agostinelli

EAT WELL: “My self-care outside of working out is to make sure I eat healthy, organic, non-processed foods. This is so important to my energy levels and mental functioning and clarity during my busy weeks of working out myself and my clients.” —Lovitt

DO SOMETHING THAT BRINGS YOU JOY EVERY DAY: I rely on so many different methods to keep me stress-free and take care of myself beyond exercising. I write in a journal, I watch a good film, I go out and take photos. I make sure to incorporate some activity in my day-to-day that brings me joy and fulfillment.” —Sarah Coppinger, an instructor at indoor cycling studio The Handle Bar

WAKE UP WITH THE BIRDS: “During the week, I set my alarm 45 minutes to one hour earlier than I actually need to get up so I can enjoy some quiet time drinking fresh-ground coffee, enjoying a healthy breakfast, and writing in my journal. Being a small business owner, my days can be long and sometimes a little chaotic. Giving myself a little me time in the morning is a priority. It allows me to start the day off a little slower.” —Becca Lucas, owner of Barre & Anchor, a barre studio in Weston, Massachusetts


BY: Cassie Shortsleeve, Health Magazine, January 24, 2018

Much Love, Dr.Shermaine, #InformativeRead #PleaseShare #HealthyBodySoulAndSpirit #IWantYou2LiveWell #FeelFree2SignUpAndFollow

The Goal is to Always Make You Aware of What Concerns Your Body, Soul and Spirit, So You Can Have Open, Honest and Frequent Discussions With Your Physicians and Counselors. You Can’t Treat or Cure What You Don’t Know is Sick.
"It's Not Selfish to Love Yourself, Take Care of Yourself and to Make Your Happiness a Priority. It's a Necessity." (Mandy Hale)

"Self-Care is Not Selfish. You Cannot Serve From an Empty Vessel." (Eleanor Brown)

The contents of the Health Magazine and Self-Care With Dr. Shermaine Sites, such as text, graphics, images, and other material contained on the Health Magazine and Self-Care With Dr. Shermaine Sites ("Content") are for informational purposes only. The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on the Health Magazine and Self-Care With Dr. Shermaine Sites!

If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. Health Magazine and Self-Care With Dr. Shermaine does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the Sites. Reliance on any information provided by Health Magazine, Health Magazine employees, others appearing on the Site at the invitation of Health Magazine, and Self-Care With Dr. Shermaine or other visitors to the Sites is solely at your own risk. 

Thursday, October 29, 2020

“A Visual Guide to Sciatica”

WHAT IS SCIATICA? Sciatica refers to back pain caused by a problem with the sciatic nerve. This is a large nerve that runs from the lower back down the back of each leg. When something injures or puts pressure on the sciatic nerve, it can cause pain in the lower back that spreads to the hip, buttocks, and leg. Up to 90% of people recover from sciatica without surgery.

SYMPTOMS OF SCIATICA: The most common symptom of sciatica is lower back pain that extends through the hip and buttock and down one leg. The pain usually affects only one leg and may get worse when you sit, cough, or sneeze. The leg may also feel numb, weak, or tingly at times. The symptoms of sciatica tend to appear suddenly and can last for days or weeks.

SCIATICA OR OTHER BACK PAIN? Up to 85% of Americans experience some type of back pain during their lives. But this doesn't always involve the sciatic nerve. In many cases, back pain is the result of overextending or straining the muscles in the lower back. What most often sets sciatica apart is the way the pain radiates down the leg and into the foot. It may feel like a bad leg cramp that lasts for days.

WHO GETS SCIATICA? Most people who get sciatica are between the ages of 30 and 50. Women may be more likely to develop the problem during pregnancy because of pressure on the sciatic nerve from the developing uterus. Other causes include a herniated disk and degenerative arthritis of the spine.

CAUSE: HERNIATED DISK - The most common cause of sciatica is a herniated disk. Disks act like cushions between the vertebrae of your spine. These disks get weaker as you age and become more vulnerable to injury. Sometimes the gel-like center of a disk pushes through its outer lining and presses on the roots of the sciatic nerve. About 1 in 50 people will get a herniated disk at some point in life. Up to a quarter of them will have symptoms that last more than 6 weeks.

CAUSE: SPINAL STENOSIS - Natural wear and tear of the vertebrae can lead to a narrowing of the spinal canal. This narrowing, called spinal stenosis, may put pressure on the roots of the sciatic nerve. Spinal stenosis is more common in adults over age 60.

CAUSE: SPINAL TUMORS - In rare cases, sciatica may result from tumors growing inside or along the spinal cord or sciatic nerve. As a tumor grows, it may put pressure on the nerves that branch off from the spinal cord.

CAUSE: PIRIFORMIS SYNDROME - The piriformis is a muscle found deep inside the buttocks. It connects the lower spine to the upper thighbone and runs directly over the sciatic nerve. If this muscle goes into spasm, it can put pressure on the sciatic nerve, triggering symptoms of sciatica. Piriformis syndrome is more common in women.

A FAT WALLET CAN TRIGGER PIRIFORMIS: You might not think of too much cash as a source of pain, but a fat wallet can trigger piriformis syndrome. The condition can affect men who wear their wallet in the back pocket of their pants. This puts chronic pressure on the piriformis muscle and can aggravate the sciatic nerve over time. You can avoid this problem by keeping your wallet in a front pocket or jacket pocket.

CAUSE: SACROILIITIS - Sacroiliitis is an inflammation of one or both of the sacroiliac joints, the spot where the lower spine connects to the pelvis. Sacroiliitis can cause pain in the buttocks, lower back, and may even extend down one or both legs. The pain can worsen with prolonged standing or climbing stairs. Sacroiliitis can be caused by arthritis, injury, pregnancy, or infection.

CAUSE: INJURY OR INFECTION - Other causes of sciatica include muscle inflammation, infection, or injury, such as a fracture. In general, any condition that irritates or compresses the sciatic nerve can trigger symptoms. In some cases, no specific cause of sciatica can be found.

DIAGNOSING SCIATICA - EXAM - To determine whether you have sciatica, your doctor will ask you how the pain started and where exactly it is located. You may be asked to squat, walk on your heels or toes, or raise your leg without bending the knee. These muscle tests can help your doctor determine if it is the sciatic nerve that is irritated.

DIAGNOSING SCIATICA - IMAGING - Your doctor may order imaging tests, such as an MRI, to get more information about the location and cause of the irritated nerve. An MRI can show the alignment of vertebral disks, ligaments, and muscles. A CT scan using contrast dye can also provide a useful picture of the spinal cord and nerves. Determining the cause of sciatica can help guide the course of treatment. X-rays can help identify bony abnormalities but can't detect nerve problems.

COMPLICATIONS RELATED TO SCIATICA: If you develop a loss of bladder or bowel control, contact your doctor right away. This can be a sign of a medical emergency that requires surgery to avoid permanent damage. Fortunately, this complication is rare. Most cases of sciatica go away within a few days or weeks and cause no lasting harm.

SCIATICA RELIEF: ICE AND HEAT - There are steps you can take at home to ease the pain of sciatica. A heating pad or ice pack may be especially helpful. Apply the heat or ice for about 20 minutes every two hours. Experiment to see which provides more relief or try alternating between the two.

SCIATICA RELIEF: MEDICATION - Over-the-counter pain relievers can provide short-term relief from sciatica. Acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen are options. Your doctor may give you a steroid injection to further reduce the inflammation.

SCIATICA RELIEF: STRETCHING - While sciatica is healing, try to remain active. Motion can actually help reduce inflammation and pain. A physical therapist can show you how to gently stretch the hamstring and lower back. Practicing tai chi or yoga can help stabilize the affected area and strengthen your core. Depending on your medical condition, certain exercises may not be recommended. Your doctor may also recommend taking short walks.

SCIATICA RELIEF: INJECTIONS - In severe cases, a doctor may recommend injecting steroids into the spine area to reduce inflammation. It delivers the medication directly to the area around the sciatic nerve.

SCIATICA RELIEF: SURGERY - If your sciatica is due to a herniated disk, and it's still causing severe pain after four to six weeks, surgery may be an option. The surgeon will remove a portion of the herniated disk to relieve the pressure on the sciatic nerve. About 90% of patients get relief from this type of surgery. Other surgical procedures can relieve sciatica caused by spinal stenosis.

SCIATICA REHAB: After back surgery, you will generally need to avoid driving, lifting, or bending forward for about a month. Your doctor may recommend physical therapy to help you strengthen the muscles in the back. Once recovery is complete, there's an excellent chance you'll be able to get back to all your usual activities.

COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES: There is evidence that acupuncture, massage, yoga, and chiropractic adjustments can relieve typical lower back pain. But more research is needed to determine whether these therapies are helpful for sciatica.

PREVENTING SCIATICA: If you've had sciatica once, there's a chance it will return. But there are steps you can take to reduce the odds:

  • Exercise regularly.
  • Maintain good posture.
  • Bend at the knees to lift heavy objects.

These steps can help you avoid back injuries that may lead to sciatica.

REVIEWED BY: Jennifer Robinson, MD, WebMD on March 16, 2020


Medline Plus: "Sciatica."
JAMA Patient Page: "Sciatica."
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: "Sciatica."
American Association of Neurological Surgeons: "Low Back Pain."
American Pregnancy Association: "Pregnancy and Sciatic Nerve Pain."
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists: "You and Your Baby."
BBC News: "Is Your Wallet a Pain in the Back?"
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke: "Piriformis Syndrome."
American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons: "Spinal Injections."
Chou, R. Annals of Internal Medicine, October 2007; vol 147: pp 492-504.

Much Love, Dr.Shermaine, #InformativeRead #PleaseShare #HealthyBodySoulAndSpirit #IWantYou2LiveWell #FeelFree2SignUpAndFollow

The Goal is to Always Make You Aware of What Concerns Your Body, Soul and Spirit, So You Can Have Open, Honest and Frequent Discussions With Your Physicians and Counselors. You Can’t Treat or Cure What You Don’t Know is Sick.
"It's Not Selfish to Love Yourself, Take Care of Yourself and to Make Your Happiness a Priority. It's a Necessity." (Mandy Hale)

"Self-Care is Not Selfish. You Cannot Serve From an Empty Vessel." (Eleanor Brown)

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If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. WebMD and Self-Care With Dr. Shermaine does not recommend or endorse any specific tests, physicians, products, procedures, opinions, or other information that may be mentioned on the Sites. Reliance on any information provided by WebMD, WebMD employees, others appearing on the Site at the invitation of WebMD, and Self-Care With Dr. Shermaine or other visitors to the Sites is solely at your own risk.  

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