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Thursday, November 30, 2017

“The Success of Failure!”


Until you Overcome the Fear of Failure, You’ll Be Immobilized at the Prospect of Taking a Risk! That’s why the Most Important thing to Remember when you fail is: NOT TO QUIT! History shows that Failure can Actually Become a Bridge to Your Success!

Listen: In school, Napoleon was FORTY-SECOND in a class of FORTY-THREE, YET he went on to build an army that Conquered Much of the World!

George Washington Lost TWO-THIRDS of His Military Battles, YET against Overwhelming Odds He Won the Revolutionary War and Changed American History!

Albert Einstein was such a SLOW LEARNER that it was suggested he Switch Studies from Physics to Some Other Topic, YET He’s Considered the Father of the Atomic Age!

Funny thing is, when you recall these names, You Don’t Remember Their Failures, BUT Their Successful Contributions to the World!

Keep This In Mind: “Only When You Consider Your Failure to be Final, Are You Finally a Failure!” (Dr.SYS) Failure is Not an Event, Only an Opinion, and as long as it’s NOT Your Opinion, You Can Always Make a Come-Back and Succeed! “Even if good people fall seven times, They WILL Get Back Up”! (Proverbs 24:16 CEV).

In his inaugural address Franklin Roosevelt told the nation: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itselfUnderstand that Failure is Not Fatal; You Can Begin Again! However, the Fear of Failure Could Prove Fatal to Your Goals By Keeping You From Ever Trying Again!

After cataloging every possible scenario that could come against us, such as tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, and sword, Paul writes: “Yet In All These Things We Are More Than Conquerors Through Him Who Loved Us” (Romans 8:37 NKJV). Another translation says it like this: “No, DESPITE all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us” (NLT). That word “Despite” means “In Spite Of”! So the Word for You Today Is—DON’T BE AFRAID OF FAILURE! Why? Because IN SPITE OF Your Frustrations, Mistakes, Wrong Turns, And Huge Failures, God’s Word Still Holds True: …DESPITE ALL THESE THINGS, OVERWHELMING VICTORY IS OURS THROUGH CHRIST…”!

Did you know that star baseball players Only hit the ball about three out of every ten times! Which makes you wonder how do they live with such a high failure rate? I’ll tell you…By Focusing On the Law of Averages! They know that If They Keeping Swinging the Bat, They’ll Get On Base! Today, that’s all I’m challenging you to do, “Keeping Swinging”! You’ll Hit the Ball Out the Park Sooner or Later!

In 1952 Roger Bannister ran in the Olympics and finished in fourth place, failing to win any kind of medal. BUT He Refused To Quit! Up until this time many experts considered it humanly impossible to run the mile in under four minutes. YET that was Bannister’s goal! And on May 6, 1954, He Became the First Man to Do It! Today, runners do it regularly! So, what’s the point? If You Refuse to Quit When You Fail, You’ll Ultimately Succeed! You Just Have to Be Willing to Get Back Up and Keep Moving Forward! So, No Matter How Many Times You Trip and Fall, Get Back Up, Keep Running and Stay In the Race! You May Very Well Be the Next History Maker!

In 1832 Abraham Lincoln was Defeated for the State Legislature. In 1833 he Failed in business. In 1835 his sweetheart Died. In 1836 he had a Nervous Breakdown. In 1838 he was Defeated for Illinois House Speaker. In 1843 he was Defeated for nomination to Congress. In 1854 he was Defeated for the U.S. Senate. In 1856 he was Defeated for nomination for Vice President. In 1858 he was Defeated Again in a U.S. Senate race.  BUT TODAY HE IS CONSIDERED ONE OF AMERICA’S GREATEST PRESIDENTS! A Wise Man Concluded: “It’s a mistake to suppose that people succeed only through success; they often succeed through failures!And You’re Not Defeated Until the Past Takes Your Focus Off the Future! SO DON’T BE AFRAID OF FAILURE! Whether you become the President of the United States, the President of a Company, the President of a Church Auxiliary, the President of your Neighborhood Watch or the President of your Book Club, You Can Still Become It, Even After Multiple Failures! Just ask Honest Abe! He’ll tell you the Truth! 

Multiple Failures Often Lead To Multiple Successes!

The Psalmist wrote: “BEFORE I WAS AFFLICTED I went astray, BUT NOW I keep Your Word” (Psalm 119:67 NKJV). By doing it the Wrong Way, the Psalmist Eventually Learned To Do It The Right Way! The Truth Is, When You Fail In One Area, It Can Drive You To Explore Other Areas! You see, Most of Life’s Successes are Based On the Principle of Trial and Error! Often Failure Is Not Falling Short of Your Goal, It’s Simply Not Making the Effort! Failure Can Actually Help You Discover Your Area of Success! For example, when you hate your job you will likely fail in it! Yet it’s in losing that hated position that you may be pressed to pursue what you really like to do, and even better, what you are actually called to do! Think about it: The Psalmist Got It Right Only AFTER Getting It Wrong! Likewise, Your Failure May Be the U-Turn You Needed To Drive You Straight to Success!

Another Benefit of Failure is that It Makes You Less Judgmental of Others! When You’ve Experienced Failure You Become More Sympathetic! Instead of Pointing an Accusing Finger, You See the Need to Extend a Helping Hand! Instead of saying Foolish things like, “I can’t believe you did that,” You Remember the Pit God Dug You Out of and Say With Gratitude and Humility, “Been there, done that, got the t-shirt to prove it”! You Know How it Hurts to Fail, and You Feel Their Pain Because of What You’ve Been Through Yourself! This Makes You a Better Friend, a Better Worker, a Better Mentor, a Better Spouse, a Better Parent, a Better Leader, a Better Believer, and a Better Example of Grace!

Jesus told Peter: “…Satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren” (Luke 22:31-32 NKJV). An even better translation says: “…WHEN YOU HAVE COME THROUGH THE TIME OF TESTING, TURN TO YOUR COMPANIONS AND GIVE THEM A FRESH START” (MSG). Point: Don’t Think It’s Over Just Because You’ve Come Out! It’s Not Over Until You’ve Went Back For Your Brethren To Bring Them Out Too! Remember Your Hurt, Then Remember To Help!

Solomon writes: “Without oxen a stable stays clean, but you need a strong ox for a large harvest” (Proverbs 14:4 NLT). If You Insist On Always Having a Nice Neat Stall, You’ll Have An Empty Stall! However, If You Want a Big Harvest, You’ll Need a Big Ox With a Big Appetite Who Creates Big Messes!
For example, if you decide to have children you’ll have lots of joy, and Lots of Messes to Clean Up! Within minutes, children can take a house that looks like it belongs in Better Homes and Gardens and make it look like a trial run for the Battle of Armageddon! So you’ve an option: Live By Yourself and Enjoy a Less Complicated Life, or Accept the Problems that Come With Having a Handful of Messy Loved Ones! Because like it or not, life comes with good times and bad; some pretty neat times, and without question some very messy times! And more often than not, the fun is found during the messy times! So don’t complain when life isn’t perfect, this side of Heaven, it never will be! Perspective is Key! You want the “large harvest”, you’ll have to deal with the messy oxen and his stable! You want the wonderful spouse and children, you have to accept that sometimes they will be more stressful than wonderful, and that’s okay! You want success, than you’ll have to deal with the struggles of failure!

Remember: Even in the Dictionary, the words STRIVING and STRUGGLE Come Before the word SUCCESS!

With that said, bear in mind: The People In Your Life Are Not Perfect, And Neither Are You! They’ve Made Some Foolish Decisions that have Caused Them Some Huge Failures! However, It’s Not Over! As Bad As Their Failures May Have Been, Their Failures Are Not Final or Fatal! So Don’t Distance Yourself From Loved Ones Who May Not Be “Getting It” Just Yet! Be Patient, Remember What It Was Like When You Were Walking In Their Shoes! And In Time, When They Finally “Get It” (And They Will) You Will Enjoy Being Surrounded By a “Stable Full of Messy Oxen Folks Who Will Bring a Huge Harvest To Your Life”! Even Family Battles Failures! Before the word “SUCCESS”, Words Like “Family, Failure, & Foolishness” All Come First! And It Will Often Be That Way With You and Yours Too! However, You Cannot Change DNA or Flush Out Blood Lines! Those “Nuts” Will Not “Fall Off Your Family Tree” No Matter How Hard You Try to Shake ‘Em! Believe Me…I’ve Tried! :-) They Will Stay There, Remain There and There’s Absolutely Nothing You Can Do About It! So You Might As Well, Help Them Get Better! :-)

Dr. John Maxwell says, “At some point you have to make a transition from believer of the dream, to buyer of the dream. No dream comes true without somebody paying for it. And part of the price you will have to pay is learning from the mistakes you make. You can attend every success seminar, read every success manual and follow every success mentor, but the price must always be paid in messes and mistakes. There isn’t a single person in the world who has achieved anything without paying a price for it. Some pay with their lives or their freedom. Others pay by giving up options or finances or relationships. But one way or another, everybody pays!

It’s Gonna Cost You, But It Will Be Worth It In The End! So Get Back Up and Begin Again!

People of God, Stop Allowing Your Mistakes and Failures to Define You! Instead let them Re-Define You! Re-Definesimply means “to Give a New or Different Definition to” or “to Reexamine and Reevaluate with a View to Change”. You’ve wasted enough years of your precious life letting your mistakes give you your value, or worse, lessen it! Today is your day to Reevaluate Your Failures! Instead, look at them through the eyes of those who have failed greatly (Napoleon, George Washington, Albert Einstein, Roger Bannister, Abraham Lincoln etc…) and Remember that In Spite of Their Great Failures, They Eventually Succeeded Greatly! They Did It, And So Will You! So No Matter How Bad You Fail, NEVER BE AFRAID OF FAILURE! There Is Success Even In Failure!

Lastly, Take Note of This: MICHAEL JORDAN – After being cut from his high school basketball team, went home and locked himself in his room and cried! THE BEATLES – Were rejected by Decca Recording Studios, who said ‘we don’t like their sound…they have no future in show business!' STEVE JOBS – At 30 years old he was left devastated and depressed after being unceremoniously removed from the company he started! WALT DISNEY – Was fired from a newspaper for ‘lacking imagination’ and ‘having no original ideas!’ OPRAH WINFREY – Was demoted from her job as a news anchor because she ‘wasn’t fit for television!’ ALBERT EINSTEIN – He wasn’t able to speak until he was almost 4 years old and his teachers said he would ‘never amount to much!’ Moral of the Story: DON’T YOU DARE ALLOW A PAST OR PRESENT FAILURE TO CAUSE YOU TO FORFEIT YOUR FUTURE SUCCESS!

“Failure is not falling down, but refusing to get up.” (Chinese Proverb)

“Failure is good as long as it doesn’t become a habit.” (Michael Eisner)

“Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.” (Henry Ford)

“Courage allows the successful woman to fail and learn powerful lessons, from the failure. So that in the end, she didn’t fail at all.” (Dr. Maya Angelou)

“Failure is not opposite of Success, it’s part of Success.” (Pinterest)

“Failures are part of life. If you don’t fail, you don’t learn. If you don’t learn, you’ll never change.” (Pinterest)

“In order to succeed you must fail, so that you know what NOT to do the next time.” (Anthony D’Angelo)

“I’ve missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again, that is why I succeed.” (Michael Jordan)

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” (Winston Churchill)

“You try, you fail. You try, you fail. The real failure is when you stop trying.” (Pinterest)

“There is no failure except giving up.” (Becka Schoettle)

“Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure.” (Napoleon Hill)

“Embrace failure. Missteps and roadblocks are inevitable, but are ultimately an opportunity to learn, pivot, and go after your goals with new perspective.” (Jenny Fleiss)

“Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.” (Thomas A. Edison)

“Failure is an event, not a person. Yesterday ended last night.” (Zig Ziglar)

“Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will.” (Pinterest)

“Success is not built on success. It’s built on failure. It’s built on frustration. Sometimes it’s built on catastrophe.” (Sumner Redstone)

“Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.” (Oprah Winfrey)

“I’ve not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” (Thomas A. Edison)

“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.” (Og Mandino)

“Failure is the Tuition you Pay to Earn Success.” (Walter Brunell)

“Failure is nothing more than postponed success!” (Pinterest)

“Failure is a Bruise not a Tattoo!” (Pinterest)

“Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.” (Truman Capote)

“Those who have failed miserably are often the first ones to see God’s formula for success.” (Erwin Lutzer)

“She was unstoppable. Not because she did not have failures or doubts. But because she continued on despite them.” (Beau Taplin)

“We have forty million reasons for failure, but not a single excuse.” (Rudyard Kipling)

“Failure is nature’s plan to prepare you for great responsibilities.” (Napoleon Hill)

“It is not failure itself that holds you back; it is the fear of failure that paralyzes you.” (Brian Tracy)

“You will always pass failure on your way to success.” (Pinterest)

“Failure is Success if we learn from it.” (Malcolm Forbes)

“Don’t be afraid to fail. Don’t waste energy trying to cover up failure. Learn from your failures and go on to the next challenge. It’s OK to fail. If you’re not failing, you’re not growing.” (H. Stanley Judd)

“Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead-end.” (Denis Waitley)

“Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiasm.” (Winston Churchill)

“In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.” (Bill Cosby)

“After my spectacular failures, I could not be satisfied with an ordinary success.” (Mason Cooley)

“Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” (Nelson Mandela)

“Failure is a great teacher, and if you are open to it, every mistake has a lesson to offer.” (Oprah)

Much Love, Dr.Shermaine #EnjoyTheRead #BeInspired #BeEncouraged #BeEmpowered #BeChallenged

"It's Not Selfish to Love Yourself, Take Care of Yourself and to Make Your Happiness a Priority. It's a Necessity." (Mandy Hale)

"Self-Care is Not Selfish. You Cannot Serve From an Empty Vessel." (Eleanor Brown)

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

“From Woman of the Streets, to a Woman of Worship!”

Luke 7:36-38, 44, “One of the Pharisees asked Jesus to come to his home for lunch and Jesus accepted the invitation. As they sat down to eat, A WOMAN OF THE STREETS—A PROSTITUTE—heard he was there and brought an exquisite flask filled with expensive perfume.  Going in, she knelt behind him at his feet, weeping, with her tears falling down upon his feet; and she wiped them off with her hair and kissed them and poured the perfume on them.”; “Then He turned to the woman and said to Simon, “LOOK! SEE THIS WOMAN…” (TLB).
Some of us, who have been hurt by religion, wouldn’t consider eating dinner with a Pharisee. And some of us are so religious we don’t know how to reach out to a real sinner. But Not Jesus! He accepted the invitation of the Pharisee, AND extended grace to the sinner at the same time. And despite what you may have been told, We (CHURCH) Must Also Learn to Do the Same Thing!
Honestly, I love the way Jesus handles people no one wants to have any contact with. After all, Pharisee’s were a bunch of self-righteous hypocrites, who could point the finger at those doing wrong, but could never quite figure out how to get a handle on what they did wrong themselves. They spent much time distorting Scripture to justify their wrong, while at the same time using the same Scripture to judge and condemn the wrong of others. And still someway, somehow, these are the very same people Jesus accepted a lunch invitation to dine with!
And then on the flip side of the coin you have a woman of the streets, a prostitute, a loose woman, a woman of the night, a whoremonger, or whatever terminology best suits your description of her, her life and lifestyle. And yet, this same woman who was wrong in touching other men, still knew how to touch Jesus just right!
Now, if you sit down for a conversation with “Today’s Church” this would be the gossip all around town! You would be able to find the story with pictures included on TMZ, Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest and the like. Everybody would have an opinion about these 2 individuals that Sinless Jesus thought it was alright to spend time with! Lord Help Us! Isn’t that just like “Today’s Church” though? We spend hour on hour in the House of the Lord, in praise, worship, dancing, running, jumping, leaping, laying hands, speaking in tongues, prophesying and all the while the sinner goes unreached...untouched! We have so much to say about Unbelievers and the World, and yet, if asked what have we done day-to-day to reach out to them in the Ministry of Reconciliation which we have been given, we would be able to offer nothing more than blank stares, and empty excuses!
These two individuals are indeed some of the most unlikely folks to find someone Sinless hanging out with, but I must admit, what really caught my attention most, is the woman!
Jesus said, “I tell you, her sins – and they are many – have been forgiven, so she has SHOWN ME MUCH LOVE. But a person who is forgiven little shows only little love.” (Luke 7:47 NLT). Now, before we discuss that verse, let’s move up a little. “When the Pharisee who had invited Jesus saw what was happening, he said to himself, If this man were a prophet, he would know what kind of woman is touching him. He would know that she is a sinner.” (Vs 39 CEB). How interesting that many of us with sins of our own mind you, still manage to focus on the sins of others. And with Jesus being SIMON’S guest, if he made himself busy with Hospitality as he should have been, as was the custom of the day, the woman wouldn’t have had any room to get to Jesus in the first place! But instead of honoring the presence of the Lord, he instead focused on the woman who had enough sense to keep her tunnel vision on the guest of honor!
Jesus further makes my heart glad because the above text says the Pharisee said these words "To Himself", and yet the Bible goes on to say: “JESUS REPLIED, “Simon, I have something to say to you.” (Vs. 40). One thing I’ve learned to love about Jesus is that I need no lawyer with Him as my Advocate! No matter what people say about me, or think about me, I need not defend myself, for my Savior will speak on my behalf! And if we could learn the simplicity of that alone, we could lower our blood pressure from boiling over every time we hear that someone said something about us! In fact, I’ve learned to enjoy being so important to people “who don’t even like me” and yet can’t keep my name out of their mouth! Who wouldn’t be happy about that? Can you imagine people so consumed with you that they can’t even focus when Jesus Himself is in their presence? That’s a scary thought! You have a sinner and a Savior in the same room, and yet your focus remains on the sins of the sinner! If you ask me, that's the Epitome of Foolishness!
Well, Jesus doesn’t chide Simon for his thoughts, speech, behavior or opinions. He simply turns this lunch into a workshop for teaching. Jesus says to Simon, “A certain lender had two debtors. One owed enough money to pay five hundred people for a day’s work. The other owed enough money for fifty. When they couldn’t pay, the lender forgave the debts of them both. Which of them will love him more?” Simon replied, “I suppose the one who had the largest debt canceled.” Jesus said, “You have judged correctly.” (Vss. 41-43)
I find it amazing that Simon could understand a Parable, but a Person standing in his presence with the very same scenario he couldn’t grasp. And even though Simon, who is the host, doesn’t address this wayward woman, Jesus does not shun her. In fact, He speaks directly to her and makes Simon take note of her as well: Jesus turned to the woman and said to Simon, “DO YOU SEE THIS WOMAN? When I entered your home, you didn’t give me water for my feet, but she wet my feet with tears and wiped them with her hair.  You didn’t greet me with a kiss, but she hasn’t stopped kissing my feet since I came in. You didn’t anoint my head with oil, but she has poured perfumed oil on my feet.  This is why I tell you that her many sins have been forgiven; so she has shown great love. The one who is forgiven little loves little.” Then Jesus said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.” The other table guests began to say among themselves, “Who is this person that even forgives sins?” Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.” (Vss.44-50).
Simon couldn’t take his focus off the sinner, but the sinner couldn’t take her focus off the Savior! And the blessing for her was her sins, even though they were many, were pardoned. Sadly, Simon had the same opportunity as this woman, he had the attendance and audience of Jesus, and yet He missed out. Think about it: What might he have been forgiven for? Pardoned for? Delivered from? Had he taken advantage of the Presence of Jesus?
Simon indeed missed out, but this woman got it all!
Can you imagine being in her shoes though? Showing up uninvited to a place where the people don’t even like you? Even worse, showing up knowing that everyone knows full well who you are, what you are, and what you did! Showing up and being shunned and ignored by the host of the house himself! And yet, despite the odds against her, she wet His feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair; she kissed His dusty, dirty feet from being on the road; she took priceless oil and anointed those same feet…not His forehead, nor pouring it on His head, but the lowest position, His feet. And might I add, this was done, BEFORE, she was forgiven! The Bible says, “This is why I tell you that her many sins have been forgiven; so she has shown (past tense) great love. The one who is forgiven little loves little.” Then Jesus said to her, “YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN.” The other table guests began to say among themselves, “Who is this person that even forgives sins?” Jesus said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.” (Vss.44-50). It’s so unfortunate that today we seek God for no other reason than what He can do for us or give to us. And yet, this woman extended to Him Extravagant Worship, BEFORE the Words Your Sins Are Forgivenwere ever spoken to her! Can you imagine Jesus meaning so much to you that you simply love Him, adore Him, worship Him, with no ulterior motives, no hidden agenda’s or impure intentions? You know how it goes, I’ll give You my worship if You give me…but No, she simply knew who He was and gave Him the just due of Extravagant Worship!
The word “Extravagant” is defined as, “Lacking restraint in spending money or using resources; costing a great deal; exceeding what is reasonable or appropriate.” Its Latin Origin “Extravagari” literally means “Greatly”. Jesus was worth everything she had! He was worthy of Great and Extravagant Worship, with no restraint! Worship that was exceeding what others may deem appropriate enough. It cost her a great deal, but the value of what she gained was priceless!
She may have been a prostitute, but there’s one lesson you need to learn: Others may know what you’ve done, but Jesus knows what you can become! Simon the Pharisee saw this woman as a weed. Jesus saw her as a potential rose and watered it. Why should your worship be Extravagant? Because you serve a Savior who knows what you were, what you are and yet His tunnel vision is focused solely on what you can become! Neither your past or your problems can shift His eyes from seeing your potential!
In the end, Jesus says some of the sweetest words ever spoken to a woman with a checkered past: “Then Jesus said to her, “YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN.” “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.” She is forgiven, saved and has peace! Who wouldn’t love on a Savior who not only forgave your sins, but forgave them all, even though they were Many?! Her love was Extravagant, Her worship was Extravagant, and why not when her Forgiveness was so Extravagant?!
I sometimes listen to peoples’ testimonies of what the Lord has done for them, and then I see them sit in church as though absolutely nothing is going on. They’re in conversations about what they’re going to eat for lunch or do when they get home from church. And yet their Sins that were many that were forgiven by a generous Savior seems like yesterday’s news. Where’s the gratitude, where’s the thanksgiving, where’s the praise, where’s the worship, where’s the show of affection? And does that mean running around the church when the organ hits a particular key? Absolutely not! But how can you sit in the presence of such a Great God who has done Great things for you and all you can do is update your social media during service?
Today, I challenge you to put yourself in the shoes of this woman. Remember what it was like to have many sins forgiven. And then give God your most Extravagant Worship! Why? Because He has give you Extravagant Forgiveness and Extravagant Love!  

“…you’ll be able to take in with all followers of Jesus the Extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love. Reach out and experience the breadth! Test its length! Plumb the depths! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God.” (Ephesians 3:14-19 MSG).
Thought for the day: If Jesus was Extravagant on your behalf, shouldn’t you be Extravagant on His behalf?

“The highest form of worship is the worship of unselfish Christian service. The greatest form of praise is the sound of consecrated feet seeking out the lost and helpless.” (Billy Graham)

“Worship is the door to entering God’s presence.” (Pinterest)

“Worship stops the noise of life.” (Darlene Zschech)

“Worship is where God isn’t moved by the quality of our voice but by the condition of our hearts.” (Chris Tomlin)

 Much Love, Dr.Shermaine #InformativeRead #PleaseShare #HealthyBodySoulAndSpirit

"It's Not Selfish to Love Yourself, Take Care of Yourself and to Make Your Happiness a Priority. It's a Necessity." (Mandy Hale)

"Self-Care is Not Selfish. You Cannot Serve From an Empty Vessel." (Eleanor Brown)

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