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Thursday, December 28, 2017

“Lighten Up!”

Proverbs 17:22, A cheerful disposition is good for your health…
How’s your sense of humor these days? Be honest now!
Well, to give you a heads up as to the direction this is going, Jesus said, “…unless you turn and become like CHILDREN…” (Matthew 18:3 ESV) In a nutshell: Today, find your inner child and don't lose him/her again!
Anne Klein, an expert on healing through humor, reminds us that children laugh about four hundred times a day and adults just fifteen. And believe it or not, you pay a hefty price for every moment of laughter you miss or forfeit! Truth is, when you Lack Laughter, your spirit breaks, you lose your vitality and shrivel up emotionally!  
Consider This: Have you ever been in a sweet mood…and then walks in a sour puss?! And just their very presence alone makes you miserable? I’ve been in that place many times before, and would even walk out the room as soon as Sad Sally and Miserable Milton walked in! Think about it: Who wants to be in the presence of someone who is always complaining, always pessimistic, always negative, always murmuring, always miserable, always angry, always depressed? Always argumentative? Always combative? The answer: NOBODY!!! Life is hard enough for people to deal with every day, let alone to deal with it AND other folks sad stories too…It’s Just Too Much! Being honest with you, there are some people I simply want to ask, Do you EVER smile?”; “Do you EVER laugh?”; “Do you EVER have a good day?”; “Do you EVER have a good report?”; “Do you EVER have a good night? Or at least a good minute or moment?EVER?!
Truth is: It’s aggravating listening to someone complain about their money on Monday, their teenagers on Tuesday, their worries on Wednesday, their troubled marriage on Thursday, their fight with their best friend on Friday, their stupid sibling on Saturday and even their sorry church service on Sunday! Who Can Possibly Be Miserable 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week, 12 Months a Year and dare we ask about your last miserable Decade?! And this has nothing to do with those who suffer with clinical depression, no, this has everything to do with those who have deliberately decided to daily have a dreary disposition! Far too many Christians are walking around in a daily despondent funk! That word 'despondent' is defined as, 'to be in low spirits from loss of hope or courage.' Its Latin Origin 'despondere' literally means 'to give up or abandon.' Saints, this should never be descriptive of the joy-filled people of God whom our God has given Unspeakable Joy as a Gift! We are to be the epitome of hop and courage always!
People of God, WE Have Every Reason To Be Joyful! No Matter What Takes Place In This World, It Is Not Our Permanent Home! We Don’t Stay Here! We Have the Hope of Heaven So Why Are We Miserable As Hell?!
Seriously, No One Walks Up To a Woman With a Frown On Her Face To Say You Look Beautiful Just Like That, Don’t You Ever Smile Again! No One Walks Up to a Man And Says You Look Mad Enough To Put a Hole In a Wall…Want To Go On a Date?! Are you crazy?! Nobody Finds a Frowning Face Attractive! It Is Your Worst, Not Your Best Feature! Yes, life is hard, finances are a struggle, marriage can often be the nightmare you never dreamed it would be, children can push you to drop them off at the nearest shelter, coworkers can cause you to think twice about locking them in the supply closet over the weekend and even church can sometimes make you want to turn your television into your Pastor and your Pajamas into the congregation and stay home having pity-party platform services all day long! Saints, I get it! I got you! Life Is a Big Burdensome Pill to Swallow some days….But Seriously…All 365 Days?! Or should I say 366, because some are even miserable on a leap year!
Listen to this: Laughter has proven to have an immediate effect on your heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, muscle and brain activity. It even influences how your body handles disease by activating your immune system. In Other Words: Do you understand that your Lack of Humor Is Destroying Your Health?! I’m a firm believer that most folks don’t need a pill, a doctor, or even a touch from Jesus…They Just Need to Put a Smile on Their Sickening Face! Is that Harsh? YEP! Do I care? NOPE! Why? Because, the Word of God Is Still True: …you will experience for yourselves the truth, and the truth will free you” (John 8:32 MSG) The reason you’re Still Miserable is because folks won’t tell you the truth about you! Oh yeah, they’ll grin in your face and yet talk about you like a dog as soon as you turn your back! I hate being around her…he’s so miserable…uh oh look who’s coming…why is she always crying…why is he always angry…Therefore, since no one is telling you the truth, to your face might I add, you think you are doing just fine! WRONG! Truth is, we don’t have to see your face, we can just hear someone mention your name in the distance and get to running in the opposite direction!
Challenge: Pay attention to the response you get from people when you approach them. If they always walk away immediately, or quickly, (you know, such as they have something to do right now that they didn’t have to do until you walked up), there is a problem with YOU sweetie! And you need to address it! You Probably Hate Me For That One…But Know That I Love You To Life and Will Always Help You Do Better and Be Better! And the first place we’re going to start is getting that ugly scowl off your face!  

Listen to what the Bible says, A relaxed attitude lengthens a man’s life…” (Proverbs 14:30 TLB); “A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face…” (Proverbs 15:13 MSG); “…for the happy heart, life is a continual feast” (Proverbs 15:15 NLT); “A cheerful heart is good medicine…” (Proverbs 17:22 NLT) The Message Bible says it like this: “A cheerful disposition is good for your health…” (MSG). If a pill could do all that for you, wouldn’t you take it?! Well, look at it this way, you need a check-up! Exam your face, if you don’t see a smile on it, put one there…ASAP! Why? Because A cheerful disposition is good for your health…

You want to live longer? Put a smile on your face before your frown kills you!
And just like there are germs, viruses and diseases that are Contagious…your miserable face is just as catchy and trust…no one wants to get caught by it!
Another Challenge: I call this “The Inner Circle Test” Find 1 person on your job, 2 people in your family (one adult one youth), 1 person in your church, and 1 person who's a friend that does not attend your church who you trust to tell you the absolute truth, straight with no chaser! Remember: “Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are lavish and deceitful” (Proverbs 27:6 AMP). Once you’ve found your inner circle folks, ask them simply to rate your joy level from 1-10 (with 1 being the worst and 10 the best). Be Prepared, This Has Helped Many…But It Certainly Hurt Many First! However, these numbers will help you to see if you’re in fact joyful a good amount of the time, joyful sometimes, never joyful, or worse, joyful depending on where you are and who you’re around! Listen carefully to what your trusted inner circle has to say and then change accordingly! Again, it may hurt, but it will help!
Truth is: Life should be enjoyed, not simply endured! And believe it or not, but your miserable disposition has a lot of people enduring you, but not enjoying you!
Chuck Swindoll says, “Laughter is a God-Given escape hatch…a safety valve…to lack a sense of humor is a serious deficiency.He also points out that a healthy sense of humor is defined by the ability to laugh at your own mistakes, to accept justified criticism and get over it, to interject (or at least enjoy) wholesome humor in the middle of tense situations, and control statements that would be unfit, even though they may be funny.
Theologian Helmut Thielecke wrote, “Lines of Laughter about the eyes are just as much marks of faith as lines of care and seriousness. The church is in a bad way when it banishes laughter and leaves it to the cabaret, the nightclub and the toastmasters.
So, Set Your Watch, Because: “There is a time to…to laugh…” (Ecclesiastes 3:4 NLV) And That Time For You My Friend Is NOW!
A recent medical study determined that one of the primary reasons we can’t cope with the stresses of life is because we don’t laugh enough. Health experts say we need at least twelve laughs every day just to stay healthy!
Dr. James Kennedy wrote, “The world has believed the lie that God is mean and narrow, a killjoy who thwarts our happiness. Even more tragic, is how many Christians have succumbed to this lie. They walk around with sad countenances and sorrowful attitudes. What picture of Christianity does this present? Have you believed the lie? Do you worry about having “too much fun”, afraid if you enjoy yourself God will swoop down and zap you? Nothing could be further from the truth…Jesus said, “These things I have spoken to you that My Joy may remain in you, and that your Joy may be full” (John 15:11 NKJV). Through His sacrifice Jesus made Joy available to the world. With that said, can people honestly and consistently see His Joy in you? If they do, they’ll want some of it.
Wow, Who Knew Joy Could Be The Best Witnessing Tool?
Listen: If you were raised in a home without laughter, your life may be out of balance.  Which may explain the generational curse of misery you’ve carried into your family lineage to your children who can count on one hand how many times a month you actually, genuinely laugh! Understand this, I don’t care who did what or how they did it in the household you were raised in…but if it Lacked Laughter…Break the Curse and Cycle NOW! Children raised in miserable homes rear children raised in miserable homes!
Parents: Let your children see you smile and laugh! Yes, even when the bills are due! Truth is, you didn’t have the money with the frown and you won’t have it smiling, but at least, according to Scripture, you’ll be in good health with the smile! Seriously, let your children see you do something silly, I promise you, if my children didn’t have to see me do anything else silly for the rest of their natural born lives, they’ve already seen enough!
Don’t raise children who think you only get older to get married, have kids, work a dead-end job, pay bills and die in debt! Let them SEE your JOY…Often!
People of God, despite what you’ve heard, seen, or been taught or told: Laughter is NOT frivolous, irresponsible and carnal, it’s Liberating!
It seemed like a dream, too good to be true, when God returned Zion’s exiles. We LAUGHED, we sang, we couldn’t believe our good fortune. We were the talk of the nations – “God was wonderful to them!” God was wonderful to us; we are one HAPPY people” (Psalm 126:1-3 MSG). This is how prisoners who are released into freedom are supposed to behave!  And last I checked we were once prisoners: CHRIST HAS SET US FREE TO LIVE A FREE LIFE. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you” (Galatians 5:1 MSG) With that said, since you’re FREE, where’s your JOY? Why aren’t you LAUGHING? Why aren’t you SINGING? Why don’t you CELEBRATE YOUR GOOD FORTUNE? Like the exiles, you are the TALK OF NATIONS…the WHOLE WORLD is amazed by how wonderful God is to you, SO WHY ARE YOU NOT A HAPPY PEOPLE?
Saints, Laughter acts like a shock absorber; it helps get you over the potholes of life. So make sure to always take Joy on your Journey!
The Bible says, …The Joy of the Lord is your Strength” (Nehemiah 8:10) People of God, when you can laugh in the midst of your troubles, you grow stronger through your struggles!
In closing, people ask me why do I smile all the time? Why am I always laughing and happy? Well, in a nutshell: when you can survive molestation, rape, addictions, 3 suicide attempts, a heart-valve disorder, domestic violence, homelessness with 2 toddlers, and a periodontal gum disease that threatened to steal my smile away…and yet it has maintained itself…there’s simply not much else that can make you frown!
So Live Simply, Love Always, and Laugh Often! I am a Dr. after all and therefore, I approve of this prescription! (Smile...)
Today, Do Yourself and Others a Huge Favor and Determine To Sweeten Your Bitter Side! Seriously Church…Lighten Up! Find the kid in you that still wants to come out and play and let them be free! Why are you holding your happy hostage?!

“Laughter enhances the blood flow to the body’s extremities and improves cardiovascular function. Laughter releases endorphins and other natural mood elevating and pain-killing chemicals, improves the transfer of oxygen and nutrients to internal organs. Laughter boosts the immune system and helps the body fight off disease, cancer cells as well as viral, bacterial and other infections. Being happy is the best cure of all diseases!” (Patch Adams)

“Benefits of laughing: reduces chances of heart disease; natural pain killer; improves breathing; helps you lose weight; gives good sleep; decreases stress; makes you look young; boosts relationships. There’s no reason not to laugh!” (Author Unknown)

“I love people who make me laugh. I honestly think it’s the thing I like most, to laugh. It cures a multitude of ills. It’s probably the most important thing in a person.” (Audrey Hepburn)

“Laugh! The body heals with play; the mind heals with laughter; and the spirit heals with joy.”

“A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.” (Irish Proverb)

“Always laugh when you can, it is a cheap medicine.” (Lord Byron)

“I have not seen anyone dying of laughter, but I know millions who are dying because they are not laughing.” (Dr. Madan Kataria)

“There is a thin line that separates laughter and pain, comedy and tragedy, humor and hurt.” (Erma Bombeck)

“If you’re not laughing, you’re not living.” (Robin Plemmons)

“The human race has one really effective weapon, and that is laughter.” (Mark Twain)

“People who laugh actually live longer than those who don’t laugh. Few persons realize that health actually varies according to the amount of laughter.” (James J. Walsh)

“Laughter is the sound of the soul dancing.” (Jarod Kintz)

“Humor is a great way to lighten any atmosphere, and laughing is a surefire way to brighten your outlook.” (J. Fischer)

“With the fearful strain that is on me night and day, if I did not laugh I should die.” (Abraham Lincoln)

“That ability to laugh at myself takes me from being a victim to being a victor.” (Annie Keys)

“Laughter is the fireworks of the soul.” (Josh Billings)

“The person who can bring the spirit of laughter into a room is indeed blessed.” (Bennett Cerf)

“Laughter is a sunbeam of the soul.” (Thomas Mann)

“There is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good humor.” (Charles Dickens)

“There is little success where there is little laughter.” (Andrew Carnegie)

“Smiling is good for the heart, laughing is good for the soul and loving will keep you living, laughing and smiling.” (Paul Chucks)

“Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.” (Victor Hugo) 

“Laughter is an instant vacation.” (Milton Berle)

“A day without laughter is a day wasted.” (Charlie Chaplin)

“Through humor, you can soften some of the worst blows that life delivers. And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might be, you can survive.” (Bill Cosby)

“You can’t deny laughter when it comes, it plops down in your favorite chair and stays as long as it wants.” (Stephen King)

“The only way to get through life is to laugh your way through it. You either have to laugh or cry. I prefer to laugh. Crying gives me a headache.” (Marjorie Pay Hinckley)

“I am especially glad of the divine gift of laughter; it has made the world human and lovable, despite all its pain and wrong.” (W.E.B. Du bois)

“Laugh loudly, laugh often, and most important, laugh at yourself.” (Chelsea Handler)

“In a world of regret, sacrifice and hardship, laughter and music are medicine.” (Immortal Technique)

“To truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain, and play with it.” (Charlie Chaplin)

“Laughter is timeless. Imagination has no age. And dreams are forever.” (Walt Disney)

“Remember me with smiles and laughter, for that is how I will remember you all. If you can only remember me with tears, then don’t remember me at all.” (Laura Ingalls Wilder)

“I live a very joyful life, with a lot of laughter and good times.” (Kimberly Elise)

“Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand.” (Mark Twain)

“When you awaken love and laughter in your life, your mind lets go of fear and anxiety, and your happy spirit becomes the healing balm that transforms every aspect of your human experience.” (Jesse Dylan)

“A good life is when you smile often, dream big, laugh a lot, and realize how blessed you are for what you have.”

“Life is too short for fake butter, cheese, or people.”

“Most of the things that we desire in life are expensive. But truth is that the things that really satisfy us are absolutely free: Love, Joy, and Laughter.”

“If it makes you giggle, then do it again and again.”

“Laugh – even if you have to force it. The mere action of laughing releases endorphins, and makes you healthier.”

“The best laugh is the one that makes you feel like you just did 100 sit-ups.”

“Strong people make as many mistakes as weak ones do. But the strong ones admit their mistakes, laugh about it and learn from it.”

“Laugh when you can, apologize when you should, let go of what you can’t change.” 

“Laugh out loud; follow your heart; enjoy the little things.”

“Live every moment; laugh every day; love beyond words.” 

“A good laugh recharges your battery.”

“Life is too short to be serious all the time. So, if you can’t laugh at yourself, call me…I’ll laugh at you.”

“Life is better when you’re laughing.”

“Laughing is, and will always be, the best form of therapy.”

“Always find a reason to laugh. It may not add years to your life, but it will surely add life to your years.”

“Everybody laughs the same in every language because laughter is a universal connection.”

“You don’t stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing.”

Much Love, Dr.Shermaine #InformativeRead #PleaseShare #HealthyBodySoulAndSpirit

"It's Not Selfish to Love Yourself, Take Care of Yourself and to Make Your Happiness a Priority. It's a Necessity." (Mandy Hale)

"Self-Care is Not Selfish. You Cannot Serve From an Empty Vessel." (Eleanor Brown)

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